Why is the advanced forum full of stupid ass threads?


Well-Known Member
T-5 germ to harvest?
How to use co2?
Non 24 hour day/night cycles?
Revegging after harvest?

Is it just me, cause these seem pretty fucking far from advanced techniques to me. Some of the posters are truly clueless, but that doesn't stop them from posting.

Is there usefull info in the pay per view "elite rollers" section?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
They should change the name of this section to "things people on their second grow would like to discuss".


Well-Known Member
T-5 germ to harvest?
How to use co2?
Non 24 hour day/night cycles?
Revegging after harvest?

Is it just me, cause these seem pretty fucking far from advanced techniques to me. Some of the posters are truly clueless, but that doesn't stop them from posting.

Is there usefull info in the pay per view "elite rollers" section?
You just added a pretty stupid ass thread, to bash people who are just learning how to do what you already know.
In my opinion you're just complaining about nothing.

Revegging after harvesting? Who cares if they're just getting the hang of it, you are no better than them.
Also you've now given opportunity to trolls all over the forum.
This is going to have more views/replies than "Cloning from fan leaves"


Well-Known Member
I am one of those trolls (I was looking for info on weening my plants off co2 always just shut it off to flush) and found this strangness instead . The other sites are not much better thc farmer is on the brink of total destruction so here I am . Leagaly has tons of great info on his posts but he is right some threads are in the wrong place/ area . I think peeps just imagine if it sounds technical it is advanced technique .


Well-Known Member
I do realize that growers come innall shapes and sizes. From the guy with 5 Cfls in a cardboard box to the guy rocking 19,000 watts in a sealed garage. I do my fair share of giving INFORMED advice to newbs as I feel that I have a pretty good handle on things. Not from growing weed for years as I have not but I do have biology and botany degrees and took allot of physics courses. These really come in handy in terms of understanding plant bichemical processes, nutrient absorption, etc, etc, etc.

There are times when I just laugh when people want to grow plants upside down or impose some weird light regime on them and their are times when it's annoying. Last night was one of the annoying times I guess. I feel that I can still up my game as the best harvest I have gotten so far is 0.86 grams/watt. I am a medical grower for several patients so I really don't have the luxury of just trying different combos that may or may not work. I'm also running hydro with a central Rez so all my plants get the same nutrient combos which also really slows down the trial and evaluation processes.

The point was that if your growing with cfl bulbs or think that revegging your plants is a cost effective way to yield more buds, those questions don't really belong in the advanced section.

To the poster looking for co2 weening info, I have done both full co2 all the way through harvest and also tried weening them off gradually starting in week 6 (ppm of around 600 at the end). When I weened them off I had lower yield but more aroma. Smoke wise it was about the same. I did however run botanicares liquid compost during the ween co2 run so I think that had more to do with aroma than the reduced co2

Conclusion? I'm not sure if it is worth it. Other growers that I know that absolutely kill it do NOT reduce co2. I'm going to run it all th way though this time.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The other sites are not much better thc farmer is on the brink of total destruction so here I am
I find rollitup to be the best internet forum by far. I don't even waste my time with the other ones. But this section in particular get's pretty LOL sometimes.

LED's and T5's for flowering? lulz
reveging and flowering? lulz

I mean come on now...

Jack Larson

Active Member
OKAY , well since this thread has nothing to do with growing and will probably all be gone soon, I just wanted to say HAPPY 4TH OF JULY ! And thank all the posters that have given me good advice ! WETDOG,BEANSLY,NULLIS,BRICKTOP,HOAGTECH,LEGALLYFLYING,ALEXKELLY,VINDICATED,HOMEBREWER and HELLRAIZOR30 I just wanted to thank you for all your help..and.. :peace:100_0044.jpg..J.L..


bud bootlegger
I am one of those trolls (I was looking for info on weening my plants off co2 always just shut it off to flush) and found this strangness instead . The other sites are not much better thc farmer is on the brink of total destruction so here I am . Leagaly has tons of great info on his posts but he is right some threads are in the wrong place/ area . I think peeps just imagine if it sounds technical it is advanced technique .
wassup over at the farm other than logic getting "mugged"? i haven't heard too much since i heard that story, but do tell, how i do love the gossip, lol..


Well-Known Member
Yep he went down for some large $$, couple guys jumped the wall and maced them. Why you would keep 20 large in your home is beyond me, rule number #1 the money and weed should never be in the same place at the same time. Shitty Karma


RIU Bulldog
I think this forum could use a little better moderation ie mods closing/deleting redundant threads or moving threads from the 'advanced forum' to 'newbie central' or wherever if they don't belong there.
Now that you bring it up, what would you have in the 'advanced' forum? It's hard to say.
To some people hydroponics is advanced. Some people think ScrOG is advanced. Who's to say?


Well-Known Member
OKAY , well since this thread has nothing to do with growing and will probably all be gone soon, I just wanted to say HAPPY 4TH OF JULY ! And thank all the posters that have given me good advice ! WETDOG,BEANSLY,NULLIS,BRICKTOP,HOAGTECH,LEGALLYFLYING,ALEXKELLY,VINDICATED,HOMEBREWER and HELLRAIZOR30 I just wanted to thank you for all your help..and.. :peace:View attachment 1676612..J.L..
Woo hoo. I almost blew my ear drum out when an artillery exploded 1 ft away my ear. Good stuff. Happy 4th to you too man. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. That's the sound in my ear right now.


Well-Known Member
Yo brothers sorry to gossip but I know nothing about logics karma he has always been kind and quick with transactions BUT the asking for money from the community cuz he has raised money for others reeks of self righteous strangeness I do not want to be involved in. He owes breeders I respect loads of dough and like stated above broke the first rule . I always bury over 15000$ just asking for it with usable product on hand . Just my two cents like I said sorry to gossip will be posting my work here soon as this is the best spot on the net for growers . The hands off approach is nice thanks mods who gives a fuck if the forums get messy it's hard work;)


I'M GROWING 37 PLANTS IN A SHOE BOX UNDER MY LITTLE SISTERS BED. I'm lighting it with a superman nightlight and a picture of the sun. what nutes should I use to get between 45 and 100 pounds? This is my first grow but you guys are real smart so I think you could help.

This is an example
T-5 germ to harvest?
How to use co2?
Non 24 hour day/night cycles?
Revegging after harvest?

Is it just me, cause these seem pretty fucking far from advanced techniques to me. Some of the posters are truly clueless, but that doesn't stop them from posting.

Is there usefull info in the pay per view "elite rollers" section?


Active Member
wilbur, any nutes you use will be perfectly tailored to your grow. Trust me(famous last words) your grow will go off without a hitch. I expect you to yield 5 oz per plant easily..purple pheno if you so wish. I'm sure re-veg will be a breeze also if that's in your plans. New growers disregard.


Well-Known Member
You'll only get 45lbs if (and this is important) you take the picture of the sun at precisely midday. To get up to the 100lb mark, you need a bottle of supergrow, root-monster and devil-juice. Don't worry about temps, lights, venting and all that junk. It's just what people on forums will try to sell you..........