Why is the tip of my seedling brown?? Will it survive?


Active Member
Wussup guys. So my seedling poped out of the soil today and the tip of it was brown I’ve read it could be from to much nutrients, obviously I didn’t feed it at this stage but I’m using fox farm soil (known to have high nutrients in it) if this is the problem/reason would my plant be able to survive?? To top it off when the seed poped it was cloudy the whole day and got no direct sun.
88541946-9B8E-46F6-BF4F-8826AA83B186.jpeg 744BC1DA-2BA5-485A-86AE-A4772C883F44.jpegE6B7E2CF-2670-466E-A16B-7B03D317F653.jpegThe first pic is when it first popped out the soil yesterday morning, The last 2 pics I just took rn at 12:55Am Ik it’s late lol. Have a feeling she’s not gonna make it :cry: what u guys think