Why Metal Halide for flowering?

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
I've been reading a lot of posts about how Metal Halide will give you denser but higher resin bud whereas HPS will produce fluffier, but less resin buds. Has to do with the same amount of trichs concentrated in a smaller area. I was wondering what contributed to this. Is it the kelvin rating that causes the buds to be more dense, or is it the UV or something else emitted from the bulb? If it's the Kelvin rating that causes them to have be larger, then would a lower K MH be ideal to use in 12/12? Like the Sunmaster warm deluxe?


Well-Known Member
MH keeps stretch down and ups resin production. HPS puts on the weight, using MH you will lose out on weight but will gain in resin production

I'm not sure where you're reading this but your info is incorrect. Now I do do this though. I flower with hps and then the last 7-10 days I will throw the MH in to really put the frost on.

You want MH to veg and first week or so of 12/12, then once you see first signs of preflowers flip to hps to flower.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm telling you that you will lose weight if you use MH for flowering, but will gain resin production.

That's why I said I use MH-veg, HPS-flower and then MH last 7-10 days.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
The theory behind the paradigm is that a 1000w hps gives off more lumens than a 1000w mh. More light, more photosynthesis, plant has more energy to grow.
MH has more light coming off in the UV spectrum than HPS and plants use produce trichomes to protect themselves from UV rays. More UV light, more trichomes.

I don't know that I could tell which finished product was under which light though.... After they're dried and cured, they all look the same to me.


Well-Known Member
Ya I can't tell either once they are dried and cured, but I love to look at frosty bitches so I throw the MH in for the last bit :D

Michael Pitts

Well-Known Member
so back to the question then. HPS for flowering because of the temperature rating or because of something else in the bulb? MH produces more resin and frostier buds because of the radiation and the fact trichomes are the plants natural defense from the UV. So does it make sense then to use the Sunmaster or whatever Warm Deluxe MH, with a 3000K or 3100K rating, but giving off the MH UV Rays?


Well-Known Member
of course mh or cmh for veg

first 1/3 of flower best served by mh or cmh - it reduces stretch

second 1/3 best served by hps - it gives you rock hard buds

last 1/3 best served by mh or hps - is best bulb to take advantage of the final bulk up weight on

so if only one bulb is used id make it mh or cmh

me i use a double hood wit a 400 w eye hortalux -hps an a 250w cmh phillips ---during flower i hang my uvb off the side of it for a hour or two mid day - i use my two bulbs all the time i sumtime spin and rotste the pots under the lights




Well-Known Member
MH is a good idea for the final couple weeks but if someone told you HPS makes fluffy buds you need to get a clone from whatever they are smoking.


Well-Known Member
MH is a good idea for the final couple weeks but if someone told you HPS makes fluffy buds you need to get a clone from whatever they are smoking.
I agree totally, I have a week left under a 600w hps and my upper growth is very dense and the lower you go from the light, the buds get a bit more airy and seem to mature a bit slower as well. From what I have studied, light intensity (within reason) is what affects bud density the greatest.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Just put in both ! Dual spec that's what I've bin doing for 3 last shows ... and noticed the ones closer to the mh always come out a bit taller and lil more stretched out... bud sizes are about the same.


Well-Known Member
I have a ducted 600W HPS in my tent, with two Kessil 350s,
one purple and other magenta.

Right now the Kessil's are high up in the tent, on goose-neck mounts,
directed onto the tops of the two mothers of the clones that fill the tent,
but as the clones are growing up they are getting more from the Kessils.

I expect that for the last 3-4 weeks that I will have the main hood high
enough that the Kessils will help frost up the harvest.

BTW, I have a small SOG of AK-47s and Somangos, at 3.5 weeks from flip.

Take care,
