Why oh why did I get a 3x3?


Well-Known Member
I like to sanitize my tent between grows. I take it outside and spray the inside down with vinegar and then wash it good with soap and water. Which means I have to disassemble my 3x3 'cause it won't fit through the frigging doorway. If it was a 2x4 it would have fit. Plus it's hard to get to the plants in back, a 2x4 gives you better access to the plants plus there are better lights available for a 2x4 configuration. But noooo, mister smarty pants figured the 3x3 cost the same but had more square footage.
I have a 3 X 3 and it's the perfect size tent for my needs. Whenever I set it up, I just wipe it all down with a rag dampened with something like 3% hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol or dilute bleach.

At the time, the 3 X 3 was the best size for the light I was using (400 watt MH)....But yeah, 2 X 4 is a nice size, too.
All my research shows that vinegar is better for mold than bleach. I will confess that I have used both[not at the same time]. In any case it sure would be nice if I could just pull the tent outside to spray it then hose it down.
NEVER mix bleach and vinger together not saying you would just giving everyone heads up! I know someone who died that way.
I like to sanitize my tent between grows. I take it outside and spray the inside down with vinegar and then wash it good with soap and water. Which means I have to disassemble my 3x3 'cause it won't fit through the frigging doorway. If it was a 2x4 it would have fit. Plus it's hard to get to the plants in back, a 2x4 gives you better access to the plants plus there are better lights available for a 2x4 configuration. But noooo, mister smarty pants figured the 3x3 cost the same but had more square footage.
Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
I wanted a 3x3 until I couldn't seem to find one with at least one side door. I was sold a 315cmh with a 4x4 tent, and it really doesn't flower a 4x4 properly. So, have since bought a bar style light for my 4x4, but still have the 315cmh, and would like to use it, and thought 3x3 would be great for it..., if I could find one with at least one side door.