Why so much hostility to newbies?

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New Member
Greetings cannabrothers and sisters! I have been reading a lot of posts lately and to be honest some of the stuff I see is terrible. Newbies are just that, newbies. For the most part they come in asking for help. Yes, some of their questions are vague. No one can tell a bag seed strain from looking at a seedling. No one can tell someone exactly what the problem is with a question like, "Why are my leaves brown?" when given no other info. But, does that mean they should be talked down to, berated and sometimes just plain humiliated?

Personally when I first started thinking about growing I knew nothing and aske a lot of vague questions myself. I still sometimes talk out of the side of my ass and give wrong info. I am not perfect I am just a guy trying to grow some budz. When I make these mistakes for the most part I am gently corrected. For which I am thankful. But it seems that there are many who just go from newbie post to newbie post and take out their frustrations and hostilities on people who are just trying to praise Mother Ganja. If I had been treated as I see some doing to others I would have left RIU behind and chalked it up as a shitty experience dealing with some major assholes.

C'mon party people. Let's show some compassion, friendliness an just plain coolness. :peace:


Ursus marijanus
Absolutely there with you, bkb! I will often be post #2 or 3 on a newb thread ... if of course I have something to contribute. But it's my tiny way of paying it on down the line for all the wonderful and even grow-rescuing advice i have received from those who are older and better than I am at this pursuit. cn


Well-Known Member
For sure so many angry hippies who'd a thought
It's not angry hippies that are doing it. It's little gangster kids growing in their bed room of their parents house with a single successful grow under their belt and 2k post count that have only been here for 2 months that are being dicks to the newbs. I've seen a few people come and go from this site. While there are some assholes, for the most part the site has a lot of good information and a members with something to actually contribute. The kids usually out themselves and get shamed and leave the forum after a couple of months. I just hope not all new growers are put off by the few dicks out there.


Well-Known Member
do you have a link to the thread where one of the older members was a dick to the new guy first? Hate to miss that one


New Member
It's not angry hippies that are doing it. It's little gangster kids growing in their bed room of their parents house with a single successful grow under their belt and 2k post count that have only been here for 2 months that are being dicks to the newbs. I've seen a few people come and go from this site. While there are some assholes, for the most part the site has a lot of good information and a members with something to actually contribute. The kids usually out themselves and get shamed and leave the forum after a couple of months. I just hope not all new growers are put off by the few dicks out there.
Agreed, a lot of these jackasses feel that becuse they grew an OZ from a bag seed under some cfl's they are the next Jorge Cervantes. Even a person with degrees in horticulture and botany can learn something. Brings to mind an old proverb..."Every person is my superior, in that I may learn from them."


New Member
do you have a link to the thread where one of the older members was a dick to the new guy first?
I was not speaking to 'oldies' or 'newbies' or anyone in particular. But if you look at the post in the newbie forum titled "HELP" you will see someone calling a newbie on her first grow a lazy person who is just killing her plants and should just throw seeds into a public park. There are many more like this I am sure you have seen them. I just wanted to put my .02 in and try to show that anyone of maturity, reason, and responsability who is furthering the cannabis cultivation movement should be encouraged. Not treated like an idiot.


Weed Modifier
Greetings cannabrothers and sisters! I have been reading a lot of posts lately and to be honest some of the stuff I see is terrible. Newbies are just that, newbies. For the most part they come in asking for help. Yes, some of their questions are vague. No one can tell a bag seed strain from looking at a seedling. No one can tell someone exactly what the problem is with a question like, "Why are my leaves brown?" when given no other info. But, does that mean they should be talked down to, berated and sometimes just plain humiliated?

Personally when I first started thinking about growing I knew nothing and aske a lot of vague questions myself. I still sometimes talk out of the side of my ass and give wrong info. I am not perfect I am just a guy trying to grow some budz. When I make these mistakes for the most part I am gently corrected. For which I am thankful. But it seems that there are many who just go from newbie post to newbie post and take out their frustrations and hostilities on people who are just trying to praise Mother Ganja. If I had been treated as I see some doing to others I would have left RIU behind and chalked it up as a shitty experience dealing with some major assholes.

C'mon party people. Let's show some compassion, friendliness an just plain coolness. :peace:
good point! ..idk ...everyone is different and each to their own...so many times I have seen it too, and I will ask them, why the hating? why all the negativity...there are some that just like to stir shit up instead of trying to be helpful ... its ok to disagree, debate... and to be wrong...but it must be done with a sense of Maturity. unfortunately some are not so Mature in their words...and just like to attack others because it makes them feel better in a sick kinda way.


Well-Known Member
... ... I just wanted to put my .02 in and try to show that anyone who is furthering the cannabis cultivation movement should be encouraged. Not treated like an idiot.

Well, I wouldn't say that anyone trying to grow should be encouraged. Teenagers living in their parents house and trying to grow in their closet in secret shouldn't be encouraged. They should be informed that what they are doing is not only illegal but putting their parents or guardians in danger. If marijuana were to ever be legalized there would be a 18 or 21 age limit on it just like with tobacco and alcohol. Which I would fully support. I don't condone anyone under the age of 18 growing their own marijuana. To quote chef from south park "There is a time and place for everything, and it's called college."


Weed Modifier
I was not speaking to 'oldies' or 'newbies' or anyone in particular. But if you look at the post in the newbie forum titled "HELP" you will see someone calling a newbie on her first grow a lazy person who is just killing her plants and should just throw seeds into a public park. There are many more like this I am sure you have seen them. I just wanted to put my .02 in and try to show that anyone who is furthering the cannabis cultivation movement should be encouraged. Not treated like an idiot.

Report them... and Mods will act.... if they feel it is called for...but if no-one reports, allot can get missed, I've told a few.... I'd report them and they either stopped, or they deal with the Mods!


Ursus marijanus
I was not speaking to 'oldies' or 'newbies' or anyone in particular. But if you look at the post in the newbie forum titled "HELP" you will see someone calling a newbie on her first grow a lazy person who is just killing her plants and should just throw seeds into a public park. There are many more like this I am sure you have seen them. I just wanted to put my .02 in and try to show that anyone who is furthering the cannabis cultivation movement should be encouraged. Not treated like an idiot.
I have seen that thread, and I refrained from posting. On the one hand, there was so much help one could have given the OP. On the other, i was appalled that (she?) would commit beans to germination without even supplying an adequate light. The barest bit of online research would have shown that incandescents not only don't work ... they really really don't work. So in that instance I feel a charge of laziness was to the point, and I too wondered, Is there anything here that can be rescued? So I held my peace. cn

buddha webb

New Member
Couldnt agree more,
maybe theres an adolescent element who think they have more posts they know more!!your right,i have read some fairly harsh posts from people way more experienced,and they should realise that its a learning curve and process which even the greats are still improving...I had a funny one a while back,,some idiot kept criticising my advice,im old and experienced enough to know how to grow my marijuana how i like it,and when someone tells me im doing it wrong,then im afraid there wrong.......theres better ways to grow marijuana than others and theres better soils and nutrients to use,but if your happy with the way you grow and pick up a few tips where you think might help you...well this is what the forums for....I have no access to grow shops but i get advice of what the new products are or what growers in places with access to all the best stuff,i read whats in them and i learn from RIU what to buy thats the equivalent.........
So the Rollitupper who criticised me for not using the foliar feed bloom,well its not for sale in the trees,and if i foliar fed anything in 90%humidity it would not be beneficial,so i advise you to get your penis out of that dog and chill out.Love you all really......B


New Member
Well, I wouldn't say that anyone trying to grow should be encouraged. Teenagers living in their parents house and trying to grow in their closet in secret shouldn't be encouraged. They should be informed that what they are doing is not only illegal but putting their parents or guardians in danger. If marijuana were to ever be legalized there would be a 18 or 21 age limit on it just like with tobacco and alcohol. Which I would fully support. I don't condone anyone under the age of 18 growing their own marijuana. To quote chef from south park "There is a time and place for everything, and it's called college."
Point taken and post edited.


RIU Bulldog
It's not angry hippies that are doing it. It's little gangster kids growing in their bed room of their parents house with a single successful grow under their belt and 2k post count that have only been here for 2 months that are being dicks to the newbs. I've seen a few people come and go from this site. While there are some assholes, for the most part the site has a lot of good information and a members with something to actually contribute. The kids usually out themselves and get shamed and leave the forum after a couple of months. I just hope not all new growers are put off by the few dicks out there.
100% true. Every true life experience I've had with older members of the community have been over-overwhelmingly positive. The online canna community isn't representative of the whole community (thank Bob).


Active Member
My bad didn not think making a joke would cause offense. I just couldn't take that post seriously, i mean 1 month under a normal house hold light and no nutrients and THEN she decides to ask for help when it's pretty much, well on it's way to MJ heavan.

But i cannot speak up either, i myself am a newbie also, and greatly appreciate all the help i've come across here at RIU and just hope i can contribute in the years to come when my experience has risen.


Well-Known Member
I know for myself I came to this site because I am sick. No need to throw my personal buissness out here, but the people were willing to help and thank G-D for them. I now try to help wherever I can. I think that is what this site is about helping other people ease their suffering. I have felt with some trolls but for the most part when I started I was greeted with open arms. I started a thread almost every day with some new question and I never would have succseeded with out their help. I am guilty of every once in awhile not being the most compassionate to someone who says my leaves are yellow help, but for the most part try to at least be decent. I miss that here, it can come back though I am sure of it. And for those who want to be dicks that's what we have toke n talk andother forums for the newbs are the ones I seem to learn the most from just by doing research to help them. Sorry for the ramble but this has been eating at me for the last couple of weeks as well.
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