Why some still Don't grow Organically?

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Personally I see organic as just another buzz word for marketing. Nutrients are nutrients the plant uses them all the same.

(Dont worry I’m prepared for flak)
Common thought is that the plant uses them all the same. But you cannot build soil with synthetic nutrients. It fucks up the cycle of life and death. Read teaming with nutrients/fungi/bacteria/microbes
I’m not doing this to be close to nature. I’m trying to grow the largest quantity of the highest quality weed with the least work and least expense. When I want to be close to nature I hike. I’ve always done hydro, but I’m trying an organic soil grow as it turns out. If it’s not better overall in terms of yield, quality, time, and price I’m back to hydro.
One and done? That’s not enough… nothing trumps growing in living soil. I’ve experimented with synthetic nutes a lot, in hydro, soil, soilless. In the end, organic living soil it’s actually the easiest and best method by so fucking far I just can’t stand looking at synthetic nute bottles anymore.
One and done? That’s not enough… nothing trumps growing in living soil. I’ve experimented with synthetic nutes a lot, in hydro, soil, soilless. In the end, organic living soil it’s actually the easiest and best method by so fucking far I just can’t stand looking at synthetic nute bottles anymore.
To each their own.

I’m a soil guy, die hard like you, tried to convert everybody. Now I grow commercially and soil doesn’t work for slot of the operations. For example just in prop room where we keep 150 mothers, there’s no way I’d bring large soil containers in there, nor is there room. We have to grow in promix and salts. And it works! Outside same thing. No way to justify the $$$ for soil cost with the legal market where it’s at.
So it’s straight in the sandy ground and drip feed salts! No room or this is better or worse. It’s only about the bottom line and actually ( fingers crossed) having a profit.

although in the greenhouse that’s going up it will be living soil beds. So I’m stoked about that.

long story short some people/ situations can’t make living soil work. Some growers cant physically work the soil. Some can’t afford the larger start up cost of living soil.

but yes I agree it taste better organic lol.
Hydro tastes like shit!!! Everyone knows organic tastes and feels better. You gotta be a synthetic guy from your comment… I was too 10 years ago, I’m fully converted now and will never go back to that bull shit
That's not true. Hydro tastes excellent when done properly. That's coming from someone who loves to bust balls. It's fun to trigger synthetic growers. You can't compete with me in the organic category for heathy plants. I'm not the best I simply grow as well as the dozens of top tier growers here. I doubt you are one of them.
Thanks for giving me a reason to post in this stupid thread.
Hydro tastes like shit!!! Everyone knows organic tastes and feels better. You gotta be a synthetic guy from your comment… I was too 10 years ago, I’m fully converted now and will never go back to that bull shit

Imagine still burning your weed like a caveman, no wonder it tastes like shit.
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