Why the crinkled leaves???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, can't find much info about this issue, just wondering if any of you had any insight?
Why are the leaf surfaces all crinkled up like this?? Just "normal" expression?

The setup: these are in a 2x2 under a BP1000 light which is 24 inches above, coco, 3gal pots fed Athena Blended. Temps average 80 lights on, 68 lights off, RH about 40%ish.

I'm not worried, per se, but just curious as I've never had young plants look so "Benjamin Button" on me.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it’s the cause of your crinkle leaves, but I would shoot for a higher RH at this stage, I wanna say like 60-65%. You’re in coco so I assume you are feeding daily, if not, feed daily
Yeah I feed to runoff daily, I skip about one day a week when pots are still heavy and saturated. I'm not worried about the slightly lower RH because this is approximately the seventh round of seedlings I've grown under these conditions, and it actually slows things down a teeny bit which keeps the tent from filling out too quickly. I also have an auto about to start flowering in the same space.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious to see what other folks think of this, and also how it turns out for you.

I have a pheno I've been growing for a couple years that looks similar to that in veg, kinda crinkly and uneven coloration. Then about halfway through flower it starts looking really rough, leaves get all gnarly and twisted up. It still yields and smokes decently, just looks very unhealthy by the end. Other plants in the same soil/environment look much better. I'm on my 4th flower cycle with it and despite changing some variables it's still doing the same thing...