why the fuck is my plant leaning on the side of the cup??


Active Member
this is my first grow, i live in a shit town that you find no good weed, and seeds. i found some beast seeds, and my plant just sprouted about 2 weeks ago its about 5 inches. i have it in a solo cup untill its time to transplant it, but the top of it is leaning on the side of the cup growing, its like the steam is not strong enough. can anybody help me please?!? what am i doing wrong?


Smoky McPot
what is your se-up? Do you have a fan blowing on it? That would strengthen the stem by simulating wind. Or you could tie it up with a stick.


Active Member
what kind of light do you have first of all and how far away do you have them from the top of the plant. & do you have a fan blowing air. Answer those first and i will let you know what you can do.. Oh and have you been giving it any Nuts? besides what is already in the soil... and bro take a chill pill... Relax that attitude is going to have you kill your baby girl. because you seem to be panicing! So chill Maryjane is a strong woman.. can go thew a bunch of shit and still bounce back.. Thats why they are the Females... Any laides wanna give me kuddos for that!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dont tell him to transplant just cause he has a big stem. The reason he has a long stem that is falling over is cause its not getting enough light AT ALL. When you do transplant however, put in the soil up to those round leaves.


Active Member
what you have is a weak stem due to lack of air flow use a osalating fan in your room depending on size of fan up to 3 feet above tops make sure that the plant tops swing side to side this is what builds stem up


Well-Known Member
lol love the tags, more light or moving your light source closer would be a big help. Ya havent givin people alot of info to work from dude. What light and what distance? what size cup? I would start with more light, after another week i would transplant and start on a very light nute mix, when you transplant bury the steam a bit more down. Don't go to nuts on the lighting and watch out for heatstress, ie dont jam it straight under a 400 hid with it 4 inch from the globe lol slowly increase the lumes. Dont trip out as these things are weed after all and read some guides to get the basics and to help understand what you are doing.