Why use organics over high-yielding nutes?


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about whats organic and whats not, but why would one use organic tea and all the other organic stuff than using something like Advanced Nutrients, which is supposed to be one of the highest yielding nutes. if ur selling, do people apreciate it if u tell them ur weed was organically grown?


New Member
organics bring out the true palate of the weed m8 and if used properly can produce as good if not better yield than any chem nutes. try bio bizz. have a look at my grow thread i'm going to be using the full bio bizz range and the last weed i grew using this method sold for £30 for 3.5g it was that tasty :)


Well-Known Member
wow. right on im using some stuff called soul synthetics which has a lot of organic properties to it but also uses some synthetic stuff to maximize yield potential. i was just wondering because after all this stuff ive seen about Advanced Nutrients im considering purchasing them (depending on prices) and doing side by side tests with them and the stuff im using now. thanks for the info ripz


Well-Known Member
the plant in my avatar is grown organically it went 3 lb dry why would you want to waste your money on high yielding synthetic nutrients


Well-Known Member
As an Outdoor grower I switched to Organics for a few reasons.

Its time released in the soil. Instead of watering every other few days with Chemical ferts you can amend the soil at the site in the spring and be set till fall. There are chemical derived time release pellets but its easy to over fertilize and burn your plant with them.

Organics preforms better outside and we all know its of superior taste.

Also Chemical Ferts are produced by the Petrochemical Industry, they are the very people who keep hemp production illegal.

So its my own personal Boycott.


Well-Known Member
You may be able to get a few more grams by using synthetic ferts (but then again, if you do organics right, you can usually get much more then you would with synth), but choosing to go organic is also about much more than just the final weight. It's about the taste, smell, potency, respect for Mother Earth, and unfortuantly, bragging rights, in a sense. Which brings me to your question about if people appricate buying weed that is organic, and I would say, absolutly yes.

I think people like to know that the product that they are buying is the best possible product that they can buy for their money. So if you sell them a product that is completely organic and let them know that, you will probably have returning customers, espically considering that there is a big "green" movement going on.

That is just my opinion.