Why vote in the US for president?


Well-Known Member
Serious question here from someone that doesn’t understand the “every vote counts” camp.

Why vote in a system where your vote doesn’t count? I’m not tying to talk anyone out of voting, I’m curious as to how you think it will effect the outcome of the election?

California is a blue state so if you’re voting republican does your vote even matter? All the electoral college “votes” are going to the dems. So does it even matter to go and vote republican in a state like California?

So that would leave the few states that are battled over every presidential election as the only place where your votes really count. No?
Serious question here from someone that doesn’t understand the “every vote counts” camp.

Why vote in a system where your vote doesn’t count? I’m not tying to talk anyone out of voting, I’m curious as to how you think it will effect the outcome of the election?

California is a blue state so if you’re voting republican does your vote even matter? All the electoral college “votes” are going to the dems. So does it even matter to go and vote republican in a state like California?
I've been saying the same thing for a while lol! There's not a point!
Look at the 2016 election trump didn't win the popular vote, but look whose president!!!

There's so much more politics to this as well, such as voter lines to skew the electoral college votes as well.
IE. a county that is made up of low income poverty stricken residents are given less electoral votes, even though it's a bigger county then another with more electoral votes.

There's no point to vote lol
The president for 2020 has already been picked.

But I can promise you I'm gonna vote for the first time in my life and you better believe I'm for anyone that's not trump 2020 lol
I heard a stat the other day, if 2 more people per voting district in the key states that won Trump the election would have voted for Clinton, she wins.

Then she gets impeached for made up nonsense by the Republicans and not removed by the senate, but still.

Also you have local and state elections that usually are a couple hundred votes one way or the other too much of the time to think your vote doesn't matter in America.

We can see the power of having a good Democratic governor (state seats) in office too thanks to the pandemic.

Also it gives your district that much more power, because the more people that show up the more accountable you can make your politicians.
I've been saying the same thing for a while lol! There's not a point!
Look at the 2016 election trump didn't win the popular vote, but look whose president!!!

There's so much more politics to this as well, such as voter lines to skew the electoral college votes as well.
IE. a county that is made up of low income poverty stricken residents are given less electoral votes, even though it's a bigger county then another with more electoral votes.

There's no point to vote lol
The president for 2020 has already been picked.

But I can promise you I'm gonna vote for the first time in my life and you better believe I'm for anyone that's not trump 2020 lol
Well don’t get me started on popular vote because I agree there.

It would seem like if I’m a republican in California my vote for president might as well be Mickey Mouse. If it was popular vote then it would matter as much as everyone else.
Serious question here from someone that doesn’t understand the “every vote counts” camp.

Why vote in a system where your vote doesn’t count? I’m not tying to talk anyone out of voting, I’m curious as to how you think it will effect the outcome of the election?

California is a blue state so if you’re voting republican does your vote even matter? All the electoral college “votes” are going to the dems. So does it even matter to go and vote republican in a state like California?

So that would leave the few states that are battled over every presidential election as the only place where your votes really count. No?
The local ballot initiatives affect my life more than the National races where living in a solid Red state my vote never counts.
Serious question here from someone that doesn’t understand the “every vote counts” camp.

Why vote in a system where your vote doesn’t count? I’m not tying to talk anyone out of voting, I’m curious as to how you think it will effect the outcome of the election?

California is a blue state so if you’re voting republican does your vote even matter? All the electoral college “votes” are going to the dems. So does it even matter to go and vote republican in a state like California?

So that would leave the few states that are battled over every presidential election as the only place where your votes really count. No?
The western half of Oregon would have to slide into the ocean before Trump could win in my state.

I'm still going to vote for Biden because,

a) why not? I'm going to fill out my ballot, there are plenty of other issues and candidates that are up for the vote. It's no big deal to mark in a vote for Biden on my mail in ballot.

b) I want to give Democrats a stronger mandate than just "I won". I want my vote to be added to others in the hope that it's such a lopsided loss for Republicans, they backpedal away from the Tea Party and Trumpism. I want to give Democrats a whopping large mandate to proceed forward with left side policies and challenge Biden. A strong mandate will give left side politicians breathing room that they don't have now and won't have if Democrats barely squeak into power. My vote for Biden won't affect Oregon's outcome but it will be heard nonetheless.
I've been saying the same thing for a while lol! There's not a point!
Look at the 2016 election trump didn't win the popular vote, but look whose president!!!

There's so much more politics to this as well, such as voter lines to skew the electoral college votes as well.
IE. a county that is made up of low income poverty stricken residents are given less electoral votes, even though it's a bigger county then another with more electoral votes.

There's no point to vote lol
The president for 2020 has already been picked.

But I can promise you I'm gonna vote for the first time in my life and you better believe I'm for anyone that's not trump 2020 lol
Did you skip AG class in skewl?
Counties don't get electoral votes.