
IM new to this but have couple questions. first is im 4 weeks into flowering and im getting hermaphes and wondering if its the strain or stress


Misguided Angel
Did the plants originally show female characteristics? White hairs? Have the plants been stressed and if so how? I have heard that some feminized seeds are prone to hermying, but I personally have never experienced it myself and all I run are fem seeds.


light stress does that sometimes. make sure that your room is 100% light proof and they get a full uninterrupted 12hr dark cycle.
if youre golden on the light issues then its a grab bag of things.

giving more detailed info on your op through the plants life will yield more informative and concise responses from everyone. (soil or hydro, fem seeds, nutes, PH, temp, airflow ect ect)

good luck dude!`


Active Member
IM new to this but have couple questions. first is im 4 weeks into flowering and im getting hermaphes and wondering if its the strain or stress
do you really want to know this? The real answer is: YOU WON'T FIND OUT. Why? Because it could be the way the plant is (bad seeds, genetics) or it could be stress. There is no way to find out for sure.

Just get rid of it and start all over. GL !
