Randy Fontaine
Hey this is only my second grow so I’m not entirely sure the information someone would need to help out. I’m really winging this. I received a plant from someone and have owned it for a couple of weeks. It seems to be about a month old and has been growing in soil, looks like it was mixed with tan bark. I didn’t really know the guy so I didn’t ask much about it. So far it’s been growing outdoors pretty fine except for what I thought was some mild wind burn. Just some tears and brown abrasions in the smaller leaves. It’s been windy as hell here but the weather is just fine, not climbing over 80. I gave it a small feeding about five days ago with some liquid nutrients from Emerald Harvest I was given. About a mL each of Cali Pro Grow A & B. Seemed to be doing fine after that. I ended up transplanting into into a new fabric pot with some Ocean Forest two days ago since I had some free time. I used it on my last grow and it worked fine to flower. Two days later and the plant seems to be shocked as hell. First leaves burned off, next set of three leaves is yellowing and looking ugly, and this yellowing seems to be climbing. Also have more brown spots and maybe some burning on edges and center of leaves. The plant seemed to be a healthy green a few days ago and now it just seems sad. I’ve been giving it tap water which is reading at around 6.7 or 6.8 on my digital PH reader. It’s a brand new bag so I don’t know what the soil PH is supposed to be at. I have a 3-way probe reader too for the soil but idk it’s reading 8. I’m wondering if the liquid nutes and the transfer to the new soil was just too much food at once? Should I flush? I’m attaching before and afters so y’all can get an idea of the damage. If anyone has any questions or suggestions I’m happy to hear them! Just keep in mind I can be pretty noob so info it may have to be specified. I appreciate it.
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