Wildflower Garden PIX

Here is another PIX .

I rearranged the LED Goosenecks . Each LED bar is 10W power consumption . They work good . The total cost of the 6 LED strips is $40 total .

The top light is a 3 feet wide flourescant , 40 watt bulb.

PIX next day Thursday
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The clear blue liquid in the misting bottle is where I take 1 Miracle Grow Plant Spike (6N-12P-6K) , and soak it in a mister bottle filled with water , thus extracting the blue from the plant spike stick.

When I fertilize any size plant all the way from spout to any size plant , I pull out my trusty garlic powder and the bigger the living thing, the more garlic powder I throw on it . Sometimes I throw a small handfull on a plant grow medium and then water it like high hell or lower heaven . Seems to work every time . If the plant looks like i put too much garlic powder on it , I just keep watering it until the plant looks real happy , and no harm done for throwing too much garlic powder . It is possible the garlic powder works for me partially because I use tap water that is I think 180 ppm disolved solids and my tap water is about 8.5 PH . Garlic powder though does have many sulfildes ( I guess sulfides are similar to sulfer which they use for certain plants ) .

Garliic has probably 100 things I know of that are wonderful as a folk medicine . I will be adding a post under folk medicine under the forum for health and fitness < I think thats the name of the forum .

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