Will A Fogger Oxogenate My Water? Please Help


Well-Known Member
i have an EBB and flow system and i was wondering if i put my fogger into the nutrient bath and turn it on 10 minutes before i flood my plants will this be awesome to add oxygen to the water? as it turns it to mist then as it settles seemed like it might

pot smoker

Aslong as the surface of the water is broken at all times and theres more then a ounce of air moveing throgh the water every min.


Well-Known Member
While it seems that there could be some aeration to the reservoir, the amount of water
the fogger would actually use in that 10 minutes probably wouldn't be that much. You'd more
than likely end up just adding excess temps to your res.

I understand the purpose of experimentation, and by all means don't let me stop you.
I would just imagine an air pump would be much more effective for what you're trying to do, and
maybe even use less power.

Just my .02


I leave my air stone running 24/7 with a lid on the res. to control evaporation, I dont see a fogger being very effective in this case (or any case)