Will I make it? Can I harvest NOW? Advice PLEASE


I am 35 days into 12/12 and I believe I have spider mites. Can I harvest now? I have grown completetely organically using bat guanos, and powdered kelp. Grown Indoors under CFL's. Please take a look and let me know what you all think.



all the yellowing leaves, black spots on the yellowing leaves, and what appears to be small strands of silk. I have treated the soil with an extremely expensive product called Azamax. Also, the leaves just arent staying green for any real amount of time. Any suggestions? Should i just continue on with Indonesion bat guano, powdered kelp, and mollasses for a few more weeks? Could I flush Now? First time Grow has turned into quite a project.....


Well-Known Member
Lady bugs are really worthless when you have spider mites and on the outside they would be gone fast. Spider mites build tents of webbing. They would be on the under side of leafs. I say spray it at night with a pest control and keep moving forward.


Well-Known Member
I am 35 days into 12/12 and I believe I have spider mites. Can I harvest now? I have grown completetely organically using bat guanos, and powdered kelp. Grown Indoors under CFL's. Please take a look and let me know what you all think.
Lady bugs are really worthless when you have spider mites and on the outside they would be gone fast. Spider mites build tents of webbing. They would be on the under side of leafs. I say spray it at night with a pest control and keep moving forward.
Grown Indoors


Well-Known Member
Google "Hot Shots No Pest Strip" That'll rid your plant of spider mites then you can grow it out to full potential and get a much MUCH better harvest.


Well, thank you all for your advice... As much as I was hoping someone would say "go ahead and harvest early"... I guess I will just trudge on... So how long do you all think i have? The trichomes are all milky but the pics do not do it justice.