Will it grow?

OK i have a germinated seed about an half inch long. Its in potting soil a half inch deep. Its in a plastic cup with holes in the bottom for drainage in a small locker type storage compartment about a foot away from a 100 watt house light will it grow?? sorry for the newb question im new at this....


Well-Known Member
An incondescent bulb will not be enough light or the proper spectrum to allow for growth. It will stretch badly, you wanna use at least a 2 bulb 4 foot shop light using cool white bulbs. Some use CFLs too, I havent used these before.
So it wont even like sprout it cause i can probably pick a different light up if you can tell me what kind and around how much they cost


Well-Known Member
So it wont even like sprout it cause i can probably pick a different light up if you can tell me what kind and around how much they cost
It will sprout, light isnt needed for that, the light becomes important after its above ground. Ther stretching will start fast though after it breaks the surface, so you want light on em a little before it does.


Well-Known Member
for starters how big is the space ure going to grow in ? once the plant sprouts u wanna make sure u got those cfls within the first 2 days , u wanna go for the type of cfls called daylight , look on the pack for 6500 k , or 6400k and yeah they can be called energy saver bulbs , get at least 2-3 for 1 plants when u start out then get more later