will leaves touching soil cause burn?


Active Member
While reading through some of my books I read to cut lower leaves if they are touching the soil because they could burn. I have a few plants that have lots of leaves down low, and I dont know if I should cut or not. hmmmmmm

Yeah Right

Active Member
I'd leave them as long as you can be careful while you're watering. It's the nutrients doing the burning. You want the leaves, obviously to gather the light. You'll slow the growth if you cut them. But, even without them, it's not the end of the world, they'll pull through just fine.


Well-Known Member
They will not burn. Well i shouldn't say they won't, if the ground is hot lava, then yes they will burn, but if its ordinary soil the plant is growing in, no no burning.


Active Member
Mine are in LST so a few of the older/larger fan leaves brush my soil. I use fox farm ocean forest soil and nutes and they haven't gotten any burns.