Will MH or HPS bulb fit in normal light socket?

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I was just wondering if I were to buy a 250w HPS or a MH bulb, could I screw them into my regular light fixture that I used for CFL's? I know I would need a fan but I'm just wondering if it would work or blow me up ha. :joint: Peace.:peace:

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Oh alright. I mean I saw the bulbs...they just look like regular light bulbs... but thats a picture. Its probably 10x bigger then what I'm thinking.. lol thanks!


Well-Known Member
the bulb must be connected to a ballast. also the ballast must be rated to the same watts at the bulb. you fuck around with that shit and not get it right your asking for a boom! or a fire.


Active Member
i don't think it would i looked at one and it was half as big so you need the fixture and of course the ballast