will my cutting root or even survive

Got this cutting from a friend today since I'm broke af I just had some potting soil so I just planted this cutting in that soil gave it some good bottled water ph 6.3 its in the shade now since its summer I know the direct sun will kill it period now its in the shade wilted question will it some how survive or even get roots


Well-Known Member
Got this cutting from a friend today since I'm broke af I just had some potting soil so I just planted this cutting in that soil gave it some good bottled water ph 6.3 its in the shade now since its summer I know the direct sun will kill it period now its in the shade wilted question will it some how survive or even get roots
No. Put it into a glass of plain tap water. Change the water every day or every other day. Keep it out of direct sunlight. Roots will form but it will take a couple of weeks usually. You MUST change the water regularly. No nutes or anything else in it.