Will my humidifier work with this humidity controller? (VOLTAGE question)


Well-Known Member
I'm growing my first plant and I'm having issues with humidity regulation so I'm wanting to tap my humidifier into a controller to turn on/off when the humidity reaches a certain %.

My humidifier power adapter is 18v and I was curious which of the below would work for it.

The power supply in question:
Class 2 Power Supply
Model: TP02-180060U
INPUT: 100/240V (0.5A) Max 50/60Hz
OUTPUT: 18V (0.6A)

I'm assuming the voltage doesn't have to be exact for these devices for them to function correctly and an 18v adapter would work well using the 24v rated device?
Or does it need a full 24v flowing through it in order for the components on it to function correctly?

Sorry, I'm an idiot when it comes to these things.

The humidifier is the mainstays $10 humidifier. It's the bottle version. I'm currently on day 19 of my grow.

Here's an image of the item in question that I'm wanting to purchase.


They also sell a 110-220v version, but I was under the impression that the output was all that mattered.

Thanks for any feedback!

I'm looking @ the below, but from a different seller that's in the USA ($15 shipped). I'm assuming these perform similar since it's a pretty easy thing that it's doing.

My humidifier is on my outlet timer currently so that when the lights go off the humidifier goes off as well. It picks up right where it left off. I did this because my humidity was reaching 80%+ when the lights were off while the humidifier was going. Sometimes it gets 70-80% with lights on depending on the intake air I'm pulling (I'm pulling from outside). It's a 17"x17"x4' box so it fills up quickly. Going to upgrade my exhaust in 3-4 weeks from now.
Sorry for the old bump, but the KT3010 humidity controller (the one pictured above) is absolute fucking garbage. Thankfully I only spent $15ish on the piece of shit so I don't feel like this was a high level robbery. Still sucked because it threw my plans off. I also bought it on aliexpress, so shame on me. Get the inkbird or something with legit reviews on amazon.

I don't know what's so difficult about making a cheap one. A good humidity monitor is around $7.

How bad is it? It is about 20-30% off on average and fluctuates to around 10% off sometimes. This is when the humidifier was off.
Turn the humidifier on and it maxes out 100%.

I have the humidifier set up to turn off when the lights turn off w/ the setting on just a slight mist.