Will one plant smell outside?


Active Member
If its one plant... and its mixed in with a bunch of other weeds n shit... you can always say that you had no idea how it got there... for all you know some random trouble maker could have planted it as a gag or as a joke or any other reason. 1 random plant could have been anyone. Its only when it looks organized and well thought out does one lose plausible denialibility.


Well-Known Member
Just buy a low odor strain like Northern Lights, then you can grow a lot more than one plant.


Active Member
id be more worried about ur parents seeing it than someone smellin it. it shouldn't stink too bad, especially all the way from your neighbors houses.


Well-Known Member
smell is basbed on genetics... they range from hardly any smell to reeks soo bad from far away..... one plant outside can def stink some shit up if its some kush/skunk/diesel........