Will pay for advice..best yield/highest profit margin

Do you think ppl will actually help?

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Well-Known Member
I do not know how you want this done, but i will pay 20 USD for the best grow room design/ method.

I can paypal it to you from a friends account. I can send you cash or money order. Im doing this bc you may already have a existing set up like the one i want to do.


I currently have a stand-up shower that is being used for an experimental grow. it is 3 feet wide 3 feet long and about7 feet high.

Now, i also just bought out my brother's closet for 100/month.

We are going to close it off with dry wall so the doors will not be able to open up, however, we are knocking down a wall that connects it with another close which will be the entrance.

The dimensions once the wall will be knocked down is :

9 feet deep 9 feet tall and about 2.5 feet wide.

This is where your payment will be earned

Should i do sea of green? screen of green? Shelf growing bc we have 9 feet up to work with.

I wanted to use the bathroom as a mothering/veg/clone room and use the other closet(more like a 9 foot hallway).

What strain combination along with what method should i use?

I will include pictures if need be to satisfy your thought of"is he serious?"

How this will work is i will include preliminary pictures of everything and go along as planned buying materials.

I will also be using CFLs and whichever method i use will be paid. I know you may be pessimistic, but if there is anything i could do to show you that you will be paid, please tell me.

I feel like i will get some backlash, but i would like some great feedback on this so i can start my grow. I recently lost my job and they are now laying off the whole factory and sending all the jobs to Mexico.

Anything would help and I thank you in advance for just looking at my pathetic post.

I will have pics by Monday the 23rd.


Well-Known Member
bro i will help you out but you have to promise me you wont use cfl's. and anyone who's advice is actually worth something wipes there ass with 20 dollars


Well-Known Member
bro i will help you out but you have to promise me you wont use cfl's. and anyone who's advice is actually worth something wipes there ass with 20 dollars

Wait, why not? can i at least use cfls for the mothering ,veg, clone room? Fine ill use one 400-600 HPS, with a crap load of cfls as well.

20 dollars is a lot for just copying and pasting their plans right?


Well-Known Member
Capncash Im not sure i agree with that statement. What about the hypothetical hippy who is broke as hell and grows the best pot around. I think he might sponsor a tree to save it from being cut down with that $20


New Member
here ya go.. and this is on the house >

seriously though, I never help anyone on here that I know is growing weed to sell . Period. Thats just me and how I feel though.If you wanna smoke, grow it.. If you wanna make money, get a damn job.


Well-Known Member
I suppose somebody that keeps it to themselves and does not sell.

If any of yall live in the midwest say IL , IN

ill hook u up for free for a nice design. I just want the highest profit margin with this room design or method.... Screen of green or sea of green maybe. I hear Nevilles haze can be put into flowering 2 weeks after cloning once the roots have been developed

ALso thank for the freee advice, but just offering an incentive to those who dont want to help for free.....time is money right???


Well-Known Member
here ya go.. and this is on the house >

seriously though, I never help anyone on here that I know is growing weed to sell . Period. Thats just me and how I feel though.If you wanna smoke, grow it.. If you wanna make money, get a damn job.
Amen my friend that guy is my neighbor

T macc

Well-Known Member
I would use a 600w HPS. and 1 or 2 of those big walmart fans. If you use the cfls You have to put them really close to the plants. You can try to do a screen of green. But remember, The less plants the bigger they'll grow.

I would do like this,
Set the 600w HPS in the middle of the closet. Put Mylar on all walls. For the plants in the corners, put the CFLs right above them. And put a big fan on either side of the closet ;-)


Well-Known Member
any strain can be put into flowering 1 day after cloning. you need 1 good light. 600 hps and a couple of plants in dirt pots on your first grow. if you want to come straight outta the box growing great stuff then you need full time experienced help, or do a lot of reading. serious reading, not most of the dumb posts on here, 75% of it is wrong


Well-Known Member
i really dont sell per se, i have a lot of friends who smoke and they are tired of going to unreliable ppl or shady areas where two of my friends have been robbed. I dont even make a profit, i sell at cost, but now i would like to make money on the side while i look for a job. Believe you me, this is my last resort, i dont enjoy partaking in illegal activity, right now i dont even smoke bc im currently looking for a job. its rough out there, especially for someone with no degreee and little professional experience. Im a factory worker and this all i have known to do. I understand the smoker/ dealer arguement and i know many will not help a potential seller, but honestly i dont see myself as a seller. Right now im not selling to make money, just selling my personal stash or connecting friends with sellers, but its my time to make some money and if and when i find a stable job, i assure everyone this kind of activity will no longer exist in my household. What kind of example am i setting for my little brothers? But we all agreed on this, we all used to work at the same factory, but the WHOLE thing is going somewhere else. i just dont know what else to do


Well-Known Member
I have done a crap load research and still feel like a novice. i got laid off in february and denied getting unemployment. My self-esteem is already low and dont need to feeel worse about receiving hand outs. It may sound irrational and stubborn, but thats who i am.