Will smoking my medicine ruin the cbd's?


Active Member
I am currently growing and flowering some "CBD Crew Skunk Haze" plants.
When I eventually harvest them,
would smoking my medicine in my water-bong destroy the "cbd"?

BTW I'm also flowering some "Humboldt ChemDawg" plants I grew from seed
and having sampled some of the bud material, it kicked my azz!
I have sampled several types of so-called top-shelf medicine
from various clubs and dispensaries, but this ChemDawg absolutely spanks the others!
I'm thinking that ChemDawg is my new favorite!
Id recommend a high qual vaporizer for medicinal purposes, the volcano best piece I have ever invested in as far as a piece that will give you medication and not tars

Edit: chems, ogs ,,sours... I like bubba too, basically my go to strains for.medicating
i totally agree volcano is top of the line, and has replaceable / cleanable parts that all come apart to ensure the best clean
I was going to say vape it... then I seen 2 other people say it already.

But i'll also say this- get a volcano (so it's high quality and does what it's suppose to without burning etc) and turn the temperature to full. I think it's something like 225 celsius. Anyway I read somewhere that the CBD vapes at a higher temperature than THC. I tried it once or twice.. last time I did it was like a bloody sleeping pill. I actually didn't like how drugged I was- personally I like being high instead of anything akin to a sedative.
So basically my point is I think you would do well with a vaporizer, but one that will also let you turn the temp up pretty high with no risk of it burning and still coming out smooth.

As a side note, lower temps mean more taste. You will still get a taste at higher temps but not as much and it will be gone by the second run- where as the temp I run it at (atm around 175c) the taste would last until possibly the 4th (depending on how good the bud was I guess).
Ok, I get-it! Everybody is saying "Vape"! HeeHee!
However, I'm old school, I prefer using my glass bong.
Would using a bong ruin the cbd content of the medicine?
I vape. I have an SSV and totally love it. Nothing flashy about it. No LED displays or remote controls. I can tell you I have turned it OFF twice in 8 months and down from high about as many. Reliable and about as hard as breathing. Ready and waiting for me....
...if memory serves me correct. Most of the good stuff "cooks" off 300-325`F. THCV goes at closer to 375`F...near combustion temp
Ok, I get-it! Everybody is saying "Vape"! HeeHee!
However, I'm old school, I prefer using my glass bong.
Would using a bong ruin the cbd content of the medicine?
I was a glass bong every day for 12 years type of guy lol... The volcano is the first piece I spent money on that I don't feel like I wasted it...

The problem with bongs and lighters when it comes to CBDs / THC is the efficacy of delivery... Unless you are careful to burn the bowls slowly you will probably burn off a lot of extra THC and CBD just by placing a lighter to the bowl. You could always do a heat rod or be careful with the flame to prevent THC and CBD losses though.

Whereas with a volcano you could set it to lvl 6... burn off all your THC, bump it up to lvl 7, burn off all your CBDs and effectively use all the medicinal properties of it without burning too much of the plant material. Taste is dramatically improved with a vaporizer as well, constantly find myself looking for a bag just to get a little wifi taste on the pallette ; )

While the volcano is a pretty penny, it has an awesome warranty and is German made... the plastic grinder that comes with it is better than any grinder I have used to date, dee Germans thought of everything....

What kind of bong do you have ?