Will someone in this forum PLEASE help me?

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Active Member
I posted about this in the general marijuana growing forum and only one person responded and they didn't give me a yes or no answer, these are pic of one of my two plants that looks to ba a little more done than the other one. and I just want to know if they're ready? This is my first grow and i don't want to fick it up.... Please give me your opinion.


Well-Known Member
I would say they could use another week or so, how long have they been flowering? Have you looked at the trichromes through a scope?


Well-Known Member
i would say a good 2 weeks might be good for them. i bet they would really swell up and finish nicely if you give them a bit more time.


Well-Known Member
THE PLANTS ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I didnt really have the guts to cut em....but i really wat to, I'll give it another week.
i also wanted to say i wasnt trying to be a dick,:mrgreen: but you said nobody would answer if they needed more time. on this forum it takes a little bit of time to get people to answer your posts. i dont blame you for wanting to chop and it is ultimately your decision anyways. sometimes in the last 2 weeks the buds will make noticeable changes such as swelling, more resin production among other things. so sometimes just a little more wait will help the buds in the final stages. i am no pro so these are just my opinions and i wish you a great harvest.:mrgreen::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
THE PLANTS ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I didnt really have the guts to cut em....but i really wat to, I'll give it another week.
You got to wait...It's like when I used to make beer..waiting was the pits, plus having band practices at my place didn't help............................soooooo, we'd break out the ladles and dig in......sediment and all............shit you'd fart for a week......but good swill...........


Well-Known Member
check your trichs, wait till they're mostly cloudy or for the first signs of amber trichs. Radio Shack sells awesome 60-100x magnifiers for like $10. Check the largest buds for timing if you want to cut the whole plant down and not harvest bud by bud. If you wanna be cheap, wait till about 80% of your stigmas/pistils turn red or brown.


Well-Known Member
THE PLANTS ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I didnt really have the guts to cut em....but i really wat to, I'll give it another week.

Waiting sucks but you gotta do it. It will be a whole lot better in the long run. Read the FDD thread about harvesting. it will help you out a great deal. I think we get in a hurry and we ruin alot of good bud.


Well-Known Member
Masta koosh. I love your avatar. I saw the sham-wow guys mugshot on tv this weekend.....he was trashed and went back ot the hotel with a hooker and started making out with her and she bit his tounge so he started binking her in the head. Nice to know how your money is being spent if you bought the sham-wow. lol


Well-Known Member
Masta koosh. I love your avatar. I saw the sham-wow guys mugshot on tv this weekend.....he was trashed and went back ot the hotel with a hooker and started making out with her and she bit his tounge so he started binking her in the head. Nice to know how your money is being spent if you bought the sham-wow. lol
thanks homie. yeah no doubt, vince looks old and ragged out like beating hookers and all night binges aint nothin new to him lmao.:eyesmoke:
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