Active Member
As I am sure most of you know a Dispensary was trying to open in the San Manuel CHA. They had first attempted to open a dispensary in Dudleyville but the location was denied.
I used to own Valentines Stage Stop Tavern in Dudleyville. What an interesting place Dudleyville if you blink you would miss it. I used to bring dancers in and while the miners loved it the bible thumpers were outraged. I could not imagine them allowing it there. I doubt they even considered it.
I am curious to see how Mammoth acts as it has changed now that it is a big city all incorporated. Heck they even have a sidewalk and lamp posts.
There is a lot of new blood from out of town from what I understand so they may have a chance. However, if the couple few family's that own most of the land in the san pedro valley do not want em to. It won't happen. As a kid they did not like outsiders and when I went back as an adult with my bar it had not changed that much.
Use to be only a few family's controlled everything. Not so sure anymore but it is still a bible thumper area with a church on every corner so we may luck out. Which would make a nice hole if San Manuel follows suit. They are a little backwards also
From what I understand one of the counsel members hung her head. I am sure that stressed the poor women right out. She probably has an ulcer right now.
I used to own Valentines Stage Stop Tavern in Dudleyville. What an interesting place Dudleyville if you blink you would miss it. I used to bring dancers in and while the miners loved it the bible thumpers were outraged. I could not imagine them allowing it there. I doubt they even considered it.
I am curious to see how Mammoth acts as it has changed now that it is a big city all incorporated. Heck they even have a sidewalk and lamp posts.
There is a lot of new blood from out of town from what I understand so they may have a chance. However, if the couple few family's that own most of the land in the san pedro valley do not want em to. It won't happen. As a kid they did not like outsiders and when I went back as an adult with my bar it had not changed that much.
Use to be only a few family's controlled everything. Not so sure anymore but it is still a bible thumper area with a church on every corner so we may luck out. Which would make a nice hole if San Manuel follows suit. They are a little backwards also

From what I understand one of the counsel members hung her head. I am sure that stressed the poor women right out. She probably has an ulcer right now.