will the genetics of clones be worse if the mother was raised with CFL's over MH/Hps


Well-Known Member
i have 10 plants that are a month in vedge from seed, they have been under a 400w mh.

anyway, i want to move 1 plant to a friends house and leave it under a 250w CFL in constant vedge to get clones from in a couple months.

will the clones from it be crap compared to if i let it vedge longer under a 400w MH for longer, or will it not make any difference to the genetics?


Active Member
Nope. Genetics should be maintained unless there is a major cause for mutation. Environmental effects are not a huge cause of mutation. Disease would be a major factor in mutation. Becuase you get McDonalds for a couple weeks doesn't change your genetics when you go back to your favourite steak house does it?

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Well-Known Member
a clone is a clone... an exact replica of the plant it was taken from.... a clones clones clones clone is exactly the same as the first and growing conditions wnt change genetics unless you stress a herm