Will this brand of Molasses work? (Pic)


Well-Known Member
I just picked this up today...I know the brand is OK but it's regular Molasses, not "Blackstrap" Molasses.

What is the difference? and will this stuff work as well?

thanks guys! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the black strap is a lower grade ,hence having the good stuff in it
now i could be worng i am new to this mollassa thing


Well-Known Member
figured that.

how much are you guys using per application?

I feed her 1 gallon of water every 2-3 days.


Well-Known Member
I do about 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons per gal of h2o, Once a week. opposite of my nute feedings.
BTW: I grow in soil........


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it has a significant higher amount of potassium, carbs, and the 3 metals in it (manganese, iron, calcium?)


Well-Known Member
I just googled the nutrition facts on both brands, and both brands have equal the amounts of calcium,iron,p etc.. per 1 tbs serving. You can type it in yourself and get the nutrition facts. So it must be a fabal that black strap is better than Grandma brand. Stuff is great during later part of flowering.


Well-Known Member
bro if you go into the growfaq there is a HUGE article on mollasses. Explains everything you'd ever need to know.

I was just confirming if blackstrap was "nessecary". It actually is more potent then this stuff i bought but it will work just fine I think.

Blackstrap Molasses is more "pure" i guess you could say. Darker, Richer, Thicker.


Well-Known Member
What is better about the black strap molasses?
like i said earlier in thread i am new to the mollassa thing
i do not know much about it
i read somewhere about in not in a theard but some kind of document.
it stated to use blackstrape not the other (unsulfered i think)
it had something to do with the grade of it
blackstrape is lower grade so it has more good stuff for plants
than the stuff that is procesed more
i think it had to do with where it cme from as well (cane or beet)
i think black is used for cooking and the other is for pan cakes and such
now i am getting in to something i truly know nothing about
so that is why i would say blackstrape is better


Well-Known Member
I am telling you i pulled up nutrition facts on both per serving and they where identical. Not that its a big deal, ahh! now your gonna make me go fetch the links;-)


Well-Known Member
I got this off the grandma's molasses website.

. What is the difference between Brer Rabbit Mild, Full and Blackstrap varieties?
A. Molasses is pure sugar cane juice.
After the cane is harvested and mashed the raw juices are boiled to extract the sugar.
After the sugar is crystallized, the remaining boiled syrup is first molasses. It is light colored, mild and sweet because it retains some of the sugar. This is Brer Rabbit Mild Flavor.
After the second boiling the molasses has a darker color, more pronounced flavor but a little less sweet. This is Brer Rabbit Full Flavor.
The third boiling produces blackstrap, which has a somewhat strong bitter flavor. This is our Brer Rabbit Blackstrap variety.

Q. What are the Brer Rabbit Nutritional Values for Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Calcium (% US Daily Value Based on 2000 Calorie diet)?

Blackstrap 25%
Mild 8%
Full 15%
Blackstrap 25%
Mild 200 mg (6%)
Full 290 mg (8%)
Blackstrap 240 mg (7%)
Mild (6%)
Full (15%)
Blackstrap (20%)

Welcome to B&G Foods, Inc.

So I don't know I'm going to continue my quest for blackstrap but if I can't find it I think Grandma's will do.