Will this break apical dominance?/sideways leaf problem.


Well-Known Member
So I tried tying down this plant but didn’t do the counter tie.

To be effective does the stem need to stay partially vertical before bending?

Initially it looked like a correct lst but the plant reconfigured itself now into just kind of slanting.

It seems like the shape it’s in now shouldn’t break dominance but the shoots seem to be bushing out some. Idk if that’s normal or from the lst though.

Also one of my other plants randomly turned a fan leave sideways last night. It only has two cuz I misread the manifold guide and stripped the lower two sets. It grew a little slower than the others but seems totally fine until this turned leave deal.


Even weirder this morning it had turned to face the opposite direction. It may have been wind stress and I also recently potted up into ffof, it was started in garbage potting soil.


Well-Known Member
A little of both on your LST. That lean she has now probably won't break the top's dominance. The faster lower growth is from the light exposure increase from the lean. Don't be afraid to get a little rough with her when implementing LST. I also use "weights" (ok, they are sockets with pipe cleaners) to hold the main stem down. My last one actually lifted her weight.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was surprised by how strong the plants are for being so small.

On of my other ones I had stuck an inch and a half long screw into the soil and looped the wire around the top and the plant slowly pulled the screw out and straightened itself up.


Well-Known Member
I use sticks and coated electric wire. I grow outdoors so i need a bulletproof mechanical lock. You dont need to always have the LST, once you get the AD broken and bottom branches come up you can stop, if you want. Here's two i had to adjust this morning and one inground that i no longer LST that has the lower branches doing what i want so fk it, not doing it anymore.


Well-Known Member
It's more about lowering the top to same height or distance from the light source as the lower/bottom that will break the apical dominance, not the bend in the stem itself. You can grow a plant perfectly upright and straight, then tip it 90 degrees on its side and that would break apical dominance.
Just keep bending/weighing down the top as it grows out from here and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Correctable ….

Top it …. That will redistribute energy to those side branches , then adjust LST accordingly