Will this kill me?

Straight down to business. An acquaintance stopped by last night to drop off an ounce of what was supposed to be some bud. Checked it out a little bit. The zip was made up of mostly Popcorn buds and shake. w/e. Rolled one up and instantly it tasted strong like pungent chemical. I then inspected it more closely and its dried out and not very apealing.

I then loaded a bowl of the shake OMFG!:shock::shock::shock: This shit burned like a sparkler popping and shit! It tested like chemicals. It was def an Indica dominant plant but...Is it because of nutes and not flushing?

I can upload pictures of the bud and a video of it burning if needed but has anyone seen this before. 8 years of smoking and never have i seen or smelled that shit. Oh yea after I burn a bowl if I smell it i kind of get a smell of ammonia when i put my nose up to it...


Well-Known Member
Could also be magnisium, put a small amount in the microwave and turn it on for twenty seconds, if it blows up it is not good for you. I dont mean it will explode but you will know right away.
Well I just dug into it and i don't see any. The shake is the worst though....it's really a trip. I'm going to go get my camera charged up so people can see a video of this rofl. People pushing around zips of SHIT! WTF! lol
just cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. I can almost guarantee you it was not dried properly, then molded, then got overdried.
We used to get coffeecan's full of mex weed, if it smelled like ammonia, it had mold. Sometimes you would open it and get lucky and find some fruity stuff.
Thanks, I guess its mold then...If i stick my sniffer straight into the jar though nothing. No bad smell, just ganja you know. It's only after i fire up a bowl does and it sparkles like flint a little that i smell chemicals...ruined my day. What if I make hash out of it?


Well-Known Member
Eh I had that happen to me once cept it was just some really bad shit weed. After that experience I've always either copped before I ran out or just waited till my connect had grabbed something decent again. No use in spending money on something thats gonna make you feel sick everytime you smoke it. I think we both learned from our experiences in inspecting first :-). And if your connect smokes, always spark up some of whatever they are selling just to know what you're getting.


Well-Known Member
vaporizer's are great for salvaging weeds with unsavoury traits, though that might be an expensive solution for a single bad bag


Scientia Cannabis
...Is it because of nutes and not flushing?
No it isn't.
Nutrients are used up very rapidly in the calyxes when they are transported there from 'storage'.
To get a build up large enough to notice (if we assume you dry & cure properly without errors) you would have to overfeed in extreme amounts during growth.
Most new growers overfeed but they do so no where near enough to affect odour & taste.
The plant would be visibly damaged and beyond saving before you would end up with 'chemical buds'.

What usually happens is that the drying and curing aspect of the process is carried out with mistakes.
This can cause; mold, odour changes, taste changes, appearance changes etc.

What happened with your stuff is probably down to the particular strain (somewhat at least) and because of an improper dry & cure of the weed.

It just goes to show how important drying & curing really is and how it can improve or ruin a crop.


..crackle crackle with the spark up......non flushed hydro weed at its finest :)
I have NEVER seen this happen with any form of Hydroponics, regardless of whether it was flushed properly or not. I really think its either Mold, Or someone put something on that weed.


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER seen this happen with any form of Hydroponics, regardless of whether it was flushed properly or not. I really think its either Mold, Or someone put something on that weed.
then you need to get out more....Im not the only one whos experienced the CRACKLE


Scientia Cannabis
I have NEVER seen this happen with any form of Hydroponics, regardless of whether it was flushed properly or not. I really think its either Mold, Or someone put something on that weed.
You are somewhat correct. It's certainly not down to non-flushed (pre-harvest flush) weed.
Flushing your medium does not retrieve nutrients from the calyxes (flowers) but from the storage areas in the plant (root, stem and leaves).

Every grower can get a spark from his weed if he just puts a stem in the joint/bowl (by accident or purpose).

then you need to get out more....Im not the only one whos experienced the CRACKLE
The 'crackle' can be caused by a lot of things;

THC resin can spark and crackle.
Improper dry & cure (which leaves the weed unable to "shed" the chlorophyll).
Foreign objects.

The spark is most likely down to an improper dry & cure or a 'foreign' object in the joint/bong.
Stems contain quite high levels of nutrients during the plants life. Even tiny stems can give off a spark.
The same is true for roots and leaves but far less common for those to wind up in the mix.

You can test it out for yourself by adding a stem to a joint or bong mix, sometimes the effect is quite explosive ^^


Well-Known Member
Get your money back and if he doesn't give you the money for the stuff you didn't smoke yet. He is a bad herb supplier.. Any good supplier will know exactly what your a smoking before you buy it if he doesn't then its either he doesn't care or he's holding out on you and keeping the goods for himself.

ps. find a herb supplier not a drug dealer theres your problem

herb supplier= friendly, passionate about strains and weed in general, always has quality buds, usually home grown or relatively close lol

Drug dealer= Not that friendly always too damn sketchy, bud is hit and miss, sells more than cannabis, shit is commercial.

Find a herb dealer and no more crackle and pop.

just my 2 cents
