Will this nutrients work?


Active Member
I just went and baught a box of this stuff called E.B. Stone Organics Bat Guano. The guy at the gardening store was a stoner that knew what i was up to and grew also, so He told me his best knowledge on what to get for Vegetation.

It is a black powder and i plan to add that in with my water. It is a 9-2-1 ratio % for N, P, and Potasium so should i be using this every time i water or every other time. Which is usally every 3 days or so.

I have 2 clones that having been planted for 8 days in regular flowering soil, in 3 gallon pots and has a little perlite in the soil but hardly nothing. So i wanted to get some nutes for vegetation, so they would start to grow stronger and faster.. The clones started out at 4 and 5 inches and havnt grown much in hieght but plants have more leaves and branches and look relatively healthy. ANy advice would be nice. I will post pics soon.

My conditions:

-2 twisty compact 20 watts (same as 75 watt bulbs, NO HEAT)
-temps: lights on 80* and lights off 70*(heater at night)
-constant breeze with small fan in bottom of greenhouse(3x3x5) . Greenhouse in mini House( 15ft. x 7 ft. x 8ft)
-humidity is around 50-60%