will this work for watering rockwool cubes?


Well-Known Member
would this work for watering seedlings (in rockwool) in a prop tray wit dome: if the roots grow down searching for water wouldnt it be a goood idea to just fill the bottom tray with just enough water so that the top tray (one that holds each rockwool cube) is just a little bit submerged in water. this would keep just the bottom part of the rockwool cube wet so the roots have to "dig" down to search for water thus giving you some good roots? or would this be a bad idea? i ask cuz when i searched how to water rockwool cubes it seemed people just said to not spray and just lightly pour water around the rockwool.


Active Member
I have been researching this alot as of recent actually.

It would seem it's a bad idea to have any excess water anywhere. You will start to have problems with algae, as well as rooting issues due to over watering.

I could throw you a fish, but would rather teach you too fish by sharing a couple of my favorite cloning links with ya.




These two links helped us understand the whole concept and approach 110% better than we originally did. heh


Active Member
I almost ever water cubes. I soak them before putting seedlings/clones in them with 1/4 strength solution. They almost always root and are transplanted to a 3" cube before they dry out. Same with the 3" cube, it stays wet until I put it into a planter.

If your cubes are starting to dry out, water them very lightly just so they soak up the water, you don't want rockwool saturated.

YA man i like to soak rockwool in 5.5 ph, lightly shake out excess, flush with ph 6 then shake out exess. now soak with lightly nuted ph 6 water and shake a little out. i like about 150 ppm super boost and 100 ppm 20.20.20 plant food. then i make the holes for stems and prime em with a little hormone gel. next take cutttings on 45degree angle, quickly dip in hormone gel and place in rockwool cube. mist em, and place in humidity dome mist inside of dome. repeat a light misting everyday making sure your humidity is over 90% all the time and temps dont go over 78. you should see roots poking out the bottom in 2-3 weeks time just be patient and they will root. oh ya all im using for lights is 75 watts of daytime cfl's and its working great!! hope this helps