It should, depending upon the power requirements of your fans
There are a number of tutorials on the web regarding this type of project.
I just did this project. I have a 12V (600ma?) adapter powering two fans (input current 0.11A/each).
Here are some of my notes I collected:
Some of the easiest fans to use are computer fans because they are quiet and reliable and cheap at around $4-$15. Opt for the ball bearing fans because they last longer, are quieter, and dont go bad and get extremely loud like bushing fans. One 80mm fan is good enough to cool a 70w HPS, or floros around the same wattage. 2-3 fans would work well for a 150-250w HPS. To power the fans which run on 12v dc use an AC/DC adapter that you can either buy one,
9v DC adapters
12v DC adapters
Or just look around your house, they come with many small rechargeable electronic appliances, I know I have collected around 7 that have just been laying around. If your doing a stealth setup you want a 9V charger so the fans will run slower and quieter, or you can buy a 12v and use a dimmer.
The adapters rating is in milli amps and the fans rating is in amps, so to convert move the decimal over 3x, so 600ma=.6a . You want to keep the power supply rating higher then the fan draw, otherwise your run the risk of overheating the charger and it failing on you, or making a fire.
Fan wires... red =12v, black=ground, yellow=sensor/speed control
leave the yellow unconnected and the fan should run at full speed.
Just connect one adapter wire to the fans red wire and the other adapter wire to the fans black wire. Nothing bad will happen. If the fan doesnt spin, or spins backward, undo the connections and reverse them.
If you look at the cable on a wallwart DC output, the wire usually has white hash marks on one conductor. This is the POSITIVE leg. If the wire has raised longitudinal ridges on one side, that is USUALLY but not always the POSITIVE side.
If you have a spare unused transformer cut the end of it, it should have a one black wire and one black wire with a white stripe, wire the red wire of the computer fan to the wire with the white stripe and the black to black wire.
Here's a Fan controller specifically for pc fans. The controller has a power adapter that plugs in the wall and the 12v PC fans plug directly into the controller to get power. $26 Silenx IXAFCEX Four Channel External Fan Controller at