Win Free Product through Testing


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Excited. bongsmilie This time, we would like to offer different products for testing. (Products for kitchen, household, etc.)

If you're interested in participating, please comment below to let us know. My team and I will then reach out with a conversation to introduce you to a list of products available for testing :weed:



Well-Known Member
I will byte.
I retired from being a race engineer so spent a large portion of my life testing stuff.
Worked at Pall corp in the developmental test section. Back in the 70's


Well-Known Member
Do you ship to Canada ? If so I'd like to learn more about the products. Seems Inkbird has a lot of new products coming out that look good !


Well-Known Member
I'm new to Inkbird products, so have fresh eyes to test them with and some spare time now a couple of kids have moved out to put into any reviews if needed.
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