window ac unit


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have heard about using a window ac unit in your grow room not putting it through a wall or window.

I just need to cool my veg side, I have a mini split in my flower room but the veg side is getting a little to warm. I have a window unit sitting around not being used and I would like to use it. There a good guide out there how to make a box that I can mount it in? I could put it through the wall but the outter side would be in the other half of my basement (that is sealed away from my grow room) but don't want all the heat in there plus I don't want any smell to escape into the house. Do the window units exhause air from the inside out?

thanks all


Well-Known Member
The new ones don't actively exhaust air. but they do leak a little. You'll need to exhaust the air somewhere, even if you box it in, or it won't work.


Well-Known Member
They do exaust some. But more heat then anything. You will need a way to get rid of the heat. A window AC can't keep up with the heat it puts off so just placing it in the room is not good


Well-Known Member
There is a grow somewhere around here where they were able to effectively use one but I'm not sure where. for what little help that is worth lol. i'll keep an eye out for it though.