with out looking at trichs


Well-Known Member
I dont have a microscope, is it ok to harvest without looking at trichs? I am going for 56 days of flowering on ,y plants is that okay pr do I need to go longer?


Misguided Angel
What strain is it? What is the recommended flowering time from the breeder? Have your hairs started receding into the bud and reddening off? Have you noticed any calyx swell? These are a few ways to tell if your buds are "reaching" maturity. Once these signs start to appear my plants can be ready from a couple days to a couple weeks, it does really help to get a $10 scope just to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Lemon skunk and big bud #2 no hairs havent receded, they are about have white its been 5 weeks and it says 8 9 for big bud. here are some pics


Misguided Angel
As the others have said it is nowhere near ready. Can you give a little more info on your grow? Lights, growing medium, nutes, etc?


Well-Known Member
Dude if those are 5 weeks in you have a problem. Looks more like 10 days in. More light, Nutes? Medium? would like to see the whole plant if you can take a pic of them.


Well-Known Member
No I go dna lemon and its bigger in person I was trying to get a pic of the hairs, and lights I got 2 cfls right like there and a floro tube


Well-Known Member
nutes big bud, medium soil with a compost yea lights for now thats it I am going to get a pro light for my next grow cause I got some really good seeds and I would like a proper yield.


Well-Known Member
So if thei is insuffent light is it worth keeping it for 8 weeks or whatever cause I am starting a auto in a grow box I got a seedling light I use until about 3-4 weeks then transfer. But if this light isnt enough should I pull it and concentrate everything on the auto?