woke up this morning and two leaves right at the bottom on the sliver haze where turning yellow so they had to go a few other leaves have me concerned also by stoners error put a photoperiod plant in with autos so have dropped lights down to 12/12 the sliver haze was a free seed and i've had nothing but problems with this baby spit she was my best grower shes now in a 5 gallon pot i think i have a ph problem as run off bh is like 5.6/5.8 i've tried making sure the ph that goes in is like 7 hoping to get a good root zone bh. a mate said it might be thrips but i cant find no signs of bug but as a precaution i brought spray for the leaves and gnat off for the soil so it can be that as for nutes also brought canna flush but cant use as it brings my ph water way down so am waiting on a ph up as only had ph down in the cupboard yeah a worried man here more bottom leaves turning yellow about 4 weeks old now.