Wiz's 2nd indoor grow w/ chocolope and white widow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is my second indoor grow. This time ill be using a different hydroponic system, a custom ebb and flow i built. I am also moving from a closet that was 6'6"x5'5" to a room thats 12' x 12'.

I have germinated 6 fem chocolopes from DNA Genetics, and some fem seeds i got for free...2 white widows a pure power plant and a gigabud

All 10 seeds were germinated successfully and are now under 2 X 75 watt floro's..they are about 2 days old at the moment. They will be put under a 1000 watt Metal halide for vegging in another week or 2...here are a few pics i took today



Well-Known Member
I like the name chocolope. Good luck with your grow.
Thanks man..yea its placed in every competition its been entered into..and its supposed to taste like chocolate or fruit depending on the pheno...ill keep this thread updated with alot of pics along the way

is your avatar a harvest uv had?...dear god..


Well-Known Member
hell yeah i like to see the 5 gallon buckets, your doing one plant per bucket right? I see the big holes cut out too, does that mean your gonna use the large net pots? and transplant those rockwool's into the larger rockwool cubes? Thats exactly how i want to do my next grow;)


check out my grow too wiz, good stuff


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching this one Wiz!!
Thanks guys I think its gunna be a good grow..im off to a good start so far.

Yea the 5 gallon buckets will have net pots set in them. I am going to set it all up tonight so you can see how it will all work..ill post pics of it later.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wiz mate.
I'm down for this one.
Are a glutten for punishment or what?
Another 12 week 100% sativa strain that grows fucking huge lol :lol:
Didn't you get your ass kicked enough by the AUH?

Many times I've though about adding a chocolope to my seed order but never do.
This is because the first line in it's description says, "This plant grows BIG!!!".
But the mix of chocolate thai x haze sounds fantastic.
I'm sure it's a top smoke.

Anyway all the best with this one mate, Ill be following along as usual ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh man I know these bitches are gunna give me attitude..but my roomate wanted to get them so bad and hes the one that bought the seeds...i think with all the extra space we have ill be able to bend them enough to keep them where i want them pretty much. Im looking to have 5 big bushes..plus I know youll help me along my way lol..I am REALLY excited about the new system im gunna be running..here are some pics of it pretty much finish, just gotta put the pumps in there and the net pots.



Hi I was wondering if you guys know the size that Blue Dreams will grow. I have 7 going right now in my closet it is 4X5x9 I split it into top and bottom. undeneat I haver a 8 bulb 4' T5, 24hrs and plan on moving them up top sectiion when it is time for flowering. I am running a 1000w hps fulley vented hood, with charcoal filter Know I know blue dreams is sativa, but a mix, right. How big will they get, and should I prund now, if not when. sorry to boga rd your thread but you guys seem knowlegable and I am a NewB


Well-Known Member
Oh man I know these bitches are gunna give me attitude..but my roomate wanted to get them so bad and hes the one that bought the seeds...i think with all the extra space we have ill be able to bend them enough to keep them where i want them pretty much. Im looking to have 5 big bushes..plus I know youll help me along my way lol..I am REALLY excited about the new system im gunna be running..here are some pics of it pretty much finish, just gotta put the pumps in there and the net pots.
Never argue with 'the money' lol:lol:

I think it's a great strain to grow Wiz.

I remember the thai we used to get back in the 80's :rolleyes: ahhh...nice. :hump:
Chocolope sounds like a great hybrid.

Thai, haze, sativa, doesn't need a lot of extra care to grow other than training.
Light, water, and experience, will grow good sativa.

Try not to complicate things this go round ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi I was wondering if you guys know the size that Blue Dreams will grow. I have 7 going right now in my closet it is 4X5x9 I split it into top and bottom. undeneat I haver a 8 bulb 4' T5, 24hrs and plan on moving them up top sectiion when it is time for flowering. I am running a 1000w hps fulley vented hood, with charcoal filter Know I know blue dreams is sativa, but a mix, right. How big will they get, and should I prund now, if not when. sorry to boga rd your thread but you guys seem knowlegable and I am a NewB
I dont know anything about that strain but if its sativa dominant youre shit out of luck with that setup. If you only have 9 feet of height there is no way you can cut that in half and flower sativas...especially with a 1000W light...

I think you should just use the whole closet for the whole grow..dont cut it in half.


Well-Known Member
yea man I think its gunna be good...This time im really gunna LST as early as possible and try not to let them get outa control at all..the extra space will allow me to grow really wide plants rather than tall...I am keeping things simple this time and not going crazy with nutes and stuff..just gunna give them wut they need...Do you remember when i should top them..and at what node? This system will make things alot easier on me to..controling PH and nutes. What do you think of it?


Well-Known Member
yea man I think its gunna be good...This time im really gunna LST as early as possible and try not to let them get outa control at all..the extra space will allow me to grow really wide plants rather than tall...I am keeping things simple this time and not going crazy with nutes and stuff..just gunna give them wut they need...Do you remember when i should top them..and at what node? This system will make things alot easier on me to..controling PH and nutes. What do you think of it?
4 nodes then top.
Your new system kinda looks like the old waterfarm set up.
How does this new one differ?


Well-Known Member
It looks sort of the same but it is totally different..here is a website that gives a really good visual on how it will work Multi Flow Hydroponic System - Greentrees Hydroponics ... The only difference with the one i made from the one on that website is that each bucket will get its own line. That will make maintinance easier and the solution will flow better and faster...im also going to have airstones in each bucket for that couple inches of water that doesnt get drained out.

Oh and when you say 4 nodes should i count the one with the cotyledons?


Well-Known Member
It looks sort of the same but it is totally different..here is a website that gives a really good visual on how it will work Multi Flow Hydroponic System - Greentrees Hydroponics ... The only difference with the one i made from the one on that website is that each bucket will get its own line. That will make maintinance easier and the solution will flow better and faster...im also going to have airstones in each bucket for that couple inches of water that doesnt get drained out.

Oh and when you say 4 nodes should i count the one with the cotyledons?
4 true nodes so don't count the cotyledons.
I've checked out the system and it still looks complicated to me.
Better than the water farm though.
Shit, give me simple drain to waste system any day, but I'm ol' fashioned lol:lol:
I'm sure you'll get it running fine and dialled in though, I know how you love a challenge Wiz lol.


Well-Known Member
WOOO! Here we go again...I think this is gunna be a good one. I just finished setting everything up and transplanted the seedlings into the system. I also have the 1000W MH running on them. This go around I am going to keep ppms lower pretty much throughout the entire grow, unless i can tell they want more. The new system works like a charm and my ph is going to be a dream to handle...im pretty excited about this one..wish me luck guys!



Well-Known Member
Lookin great Wiz.
All the best for this one.

How long you plan on vegging for this go round?
You Topping at some stage?