Woman's casino win backfires


Well-Known Member
Copy and paste:

Mirna Valenzuela took a trip to Tucson, Arizona’s Casino del Sol Resort with her daughter Zamira Osorio, and hit a $1200 jackpot win. But the lucky win turned unlucky very quickly when events led to Valenzuela’s deportation to Mexico. Federal law requires that winners of $1200 or more show identification for tax purposes. When Valenzuela presented her ID, casino officials suspected it was fraudulent, and called the tribal Pascua Yaqui police. After investigating they determined that the ID was valid, but that Valenzuela and her daughter were undocumented immigrants from Mexico. The mother and daughter were turned over to U.S. Border Patrol and arrested. Valenzuela was deported and Osorio was released under the DREAM act. Casino CEO, Wendell Long said, “We’re not here to deport people,” and that this is the first time since the casino’s 2001 opening that an incident of this type has occurred. Regardless, Zamira Osorio said that her family felt discriminated against and that Casino del Sol Resort should put up a sign that they don’t want illegal immigrants playing at their casino. While the situation is sad, Valenzuela is doing all right and her winnings are still at the casino, where she’ll have to claim them in person with a valid id.


Well-Known Member
Did they get to keep the winnings? If so, you can live the good life in Guatemala with that.
A San Jose laborer who won $2 million in the state lottery this week was arrested at his home on Wednesday by immigration officials who said they swooped down on him quickly because he had been "bragging" about how he had sneaked into the United States from Mexico.

Well the illegals are smarter now (not)
Illegal Immigrant Wins Lottery, Now Faces Deportation
Posted on August 26, 2011 at 7:00pm by Tiffany Gabba

Winning the lottery isn‘t quite what it’s cracked up to be. At least not for one illegal immigrant, Jose Antonio Cua-Toc, who won a $750,000 jackpot in Georgia but was reluctant to cash in his winnings for fear of alerting authorities to his immigration status. To avert danger, Cua-Toc asked his boss to claim the cash prize for him, but Erick Cervantes and his wife allegedly stole the money and started spending it all.

That’s when Cua-Toc lost it.

According to Fox News, Cua-Toc was then arrested after allegedly threatening to kill Cervantes and his wife.

Well, the authorities certainly know about Cua-Toc’s immigration status now.

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/forum/illegal-immigrant-wins-lottery-now-faces-deportation-t68877.html#ixzz2H5yyHbdN

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
hadn't thought about them not having a social security number so they could collect the prize. That would be a real bummer, but it is the law.


Well-Known Member
I think it is a beautiful story. I am all for immigration, providing it is done as it should be.

If you are here illegally, then you deserve nothing but whatever misfortune you incur and need to be deported asap.




Well-Known Member
I think it is a beautiful story. I am all for immigration, providing it is done as it should be.

If you are here illegally, then you deserve nothing but whatever misfortune you incur and need to be deported asap.


So your anscestors from mexico applied for a visa and then waited 18 years for it to be approved?


Well-Known Member
So your anscestors from mexico applied for a visa and then waited 18 years for it to be approved?
Why do you keep repeating that question/fact about 18 years.

It doesn't change the fact that they are here illegally. I'm sure that other countries don't have an 18 year wait to get in if they want out of Mexico so badly. Just because they want to come here, doesn't mean they have a legal right to.


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep repeating that question/fact about 18 years.

It doesn't change the fact that they are here illegally. I'm sure that other countries don't have an 18 year wait to get in if they want out of Mexico so badly. Just because they want to come here, doesn't mean they have a legal right to.
Immigrants have always been a problem
since my folks got off the boat


Well-Known Member
For the American Indians, immigrants have been a problem since the first person got off the first boat...


Well-Known Member
What made our country great was open borders in regards to immigration.
Anytime you hear someone say My folks came here legally
ask them what that entailed and how long it took.
If we had the same policy towards Mexico in regards to immigration as we do Europeans
We wouldnt have a illegal immigrant problem


Well-Known Member
What made our country great was open borders in regards to immigration.
Anytime you hear someone say My folks came here legally
ask them what that entailed and how long it took.
If we had the same policy towards Mexico in regards to immigration as we do Europeans
We wouldnt have a illegal immigrant problem
Like the anti gun crowd says, "Times have changed".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
So your folks got here the same way Illegals have

They just showed up uninvited
Want to know what's ironic? Mexico has harsher immigration policy for its version of the Mexican to their southern border.

Activist for Mexico reform. Then they can stay in their country and will stop thinking the USA is their fair weather employment opportunity.