working out air replacement

I'm going to be using a 80cm x 80cm x 160 cm grow tent with an extraction and input fan, my question is what cfm as a minimum am I going to need? The extraction is going to be run through a varbon filter


Well-Known Member
What lighting are you planning to use?

This will play a big part in fan choice.

Your room is around 28cubic feet. However if you plan on using a 400w hps for instance then a good 5" or 6" fan would be best around 200-300 CFM.

If using flouro or CFL then something around 50CFM should probably work. A bathroom fan and DIY carbon filter could even work under these conditions.

400w hps with cool tube will be used and a 4" inline to extract and the same to input air, just wanted to make sure I had enough fresh air in there


Well-Known Member
IMO you would be better served using a 5" with carbon filter and the cooltube then a 4" as your intake.

This will help you control temperatures alot better as your area is quite small.

I use a 400w hps in a 3.2x7x8 room and I use passive vents along with a 6" fan and filter in an open reflector. I also use a temperature sensored fan speed controller.
