World of Seeds


Well-Known Member
I'm wanting to try some landrace strains like afghan kush, Pakistan valley, Ketama, Kilimanjaro, and colombian gold. Is world of seeds worth a try?
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I'm running their Columbian Gold and Afghan Kush right now (both looking good and decent germ rates). Those were fine but the PCK's had a horrible germ rate, ended up with one viable out of 8. Giving them one more shot on the PCK buying direct from them, I had purchased them through another bank and the seeds were likely old or not stored properly. Hoping buying direct will provide better seeds. Got about 80% germ rates on the CG and AK, 100% on some of my own crosses that were termed using same method at the same time.
Super sticky, honestly double bag stinky, short stout fast. IMG_20171115_014635.jpg IMG_20171115_014620.jpg IMG_20171115_014314.jpg IMG_20171115_013703.jpg IMG_20171115_014008.jpg
Plants at right front are world of seeds Pakistan Valley, got a 5 pack of fems 100% germination all 5 exactly same flavors, buzz, smells ect. I just had one that was slightly faster and slightly bigger flowers than the rest that of course became my mother plant she's in my rotation for life. ++++++++ding ding we have a winner.