Worldwide climate zones & info for cannabis


Active Member
Hi friends,

I wanted to show you the latest stuff for outdoor-growers at the seedfinder, i think it will be useful for all outdoor farmers out there :) I collected a lots of climate data worldwide, and with the help of our special integrative, ecophysiological climate specification system we now can collect and show outdoor-reviews according to 125 different climate zones! On this way a farmer in (as example) the US easily can compare results with an farmer in Australia if both are growing in the same climate-zone :)

Additional its possible to find a climatic zone by longitude and latitude (here an example for london), onto this way you also will see some more info about the climate - like average hours of sunshine, temperatures, precipitation - and also the potential months for the growth- and the flowering for the selected area :shock:

Last but not least there is also a google-maps-overlay with all this climatic zones :)

allright, thats all for the moment, :D
i hope you will like it, and if there are any hints or questions (or if you find a bug or something like this) - please let me know :joint:

see you later,

One last note... I know, there are not very many outdoor reviews online up to now, so the strain-recommendations are not available for all zones right now... Would be great if you can add your own outdoor strain info to the database in order to get better output and recommendations. :dunce:
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Active Member
yeah, me too :) but there is already something to see, at the climate-stuff-overview-page you will find all zones with connected strains, and also a form to select and combine zones (as axample you can select the humid ones out of all areas, or all subtropic and so one...)