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Switching from hydro to soil. Using fox farm ocean forest soil and mychorezea. Watering with homemade compost tea and molasses. Should i add some worms in? If so what kind of worms are best? How many (if any) should i use?
Switching from hydro to soil. Using fox farm ocean forest soil and mychorezea. Watering with homemade compost tea and molasses. Should i add some worms in? If so what kind of worms are best? How many (if any) should i use?

not trying to discourage you at all, but just want to let you know... gonna take more than ocean forest, compost and some teas/mycorrhizae. you're gonna need some kind of all purpose organic fertilizer to topdress or compost into the soil for a couple weeks. I know ocean forest contains some nutrients, but it's not enough to get you through flower with no deficiencies. adding an all purpose fert will definitely help your cause, increase your yield, and get you start to finish. something like down to earth tomato tone or Dr. Earth's all purpose blends (Dr. Earth makes some good stuff).

Yes you can add worms into the pot. composting red worms are a good place to start. you could start a worm bin with 1000 of them, and then throw a few into your pots from the initial colony.

Good luck and don't hesitate to ask questions!
Theres one style of organic where you just put all thenutrients the plant needs into soil in a plant usable form.


You can make your own soil from scratch and rely on feeding the microbes in the soil, so they eat and then break down stuff into a plant usable form. Then they die and release It.

All while a big network of roots and mushroom mycelium and cover crops all tangle up and become a super network and become more eficient at retaining and transporting water and food,.

They become a host to an extremly active microbes working for you to take up space in your medium and on your plant so the bad ones cant get in .

Also through this symbiotic relationship they strengrhen your plants immune system and plus , there is so much shit going on in the soil food web that people still have no idea about its crazy.

Read the book teaming with microbes by jeff lowenfells. You will shake your fucking head at salt based bottled nutrients buddy
I know ocean forest contains some nutrients, but it's not enough to get you through flower with no deficiencies. adding an all purpose fert will definitely help your cause, increase your yield.
im only starting with fox farm soil and ill add amendments during flower. Im thinking about using fox farm big bloom, and top dressing with rose and flower mix at some point. I really would like to try this product called "urb" but its way expensive ($55 qt.) and some seaweed extract. Also, i have been watching a lot of videos about microbiology and the author of teaming with microbes did a video talking about his books. Very interesting.
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saw this nifty "worm tower" idea on youtube and i had these blue plastic pails just layin around so i figured id try it. Drilled worm holes in sides and bottoms of the buckets. I used about 80% of my compost pile and filled the buckets put a layer of fallen leaves on top and a little compost on top to hold the leaves down.trying to figure out a cheap easy way to cover these when i start putting food scraps in them. 20181202_143839.jpg
saw this nifty "worm tower" idea on youtube and i had these blue plastic pails just layin around so i figured id try it. Drilled worm holes in sides and bottoms of the buckets. I used about 80% of my compost pile and filled the buckets put a layer of fallen leaves on top and a little compost on top to hold the leaves down.trying to figure out a cheap easy way to cover these when i start putting food scraps in them. View attachment 4242405

Looks great!