Worried about my seedlings

I germinated them using paper towels and plates then put them in rockwool and into a humidity dome to help them sprout/root. I had to go out of town for 2 days at this time and when I came back they had sprouted but they had no light on them, so I immediately took them out of the dome and put them into my aeroflo20. 2 of them seem to be alright, but the other 2 I'm a bit worried about.
Quality's pretty good if you click em I thought. I'm limited to my camera-phone so I can't really do much better :(

Also, the first and third pics are the ones I'm worried about.


Well-Known Member
That first one looks like it got its head chopped off, lol.
Keep an eye on it.

but the other three look fine, give them time, they should pull through. they are tough plants.
So here's an update, opinions appreciated.


Also, I had to scrap the one in picture #3 in the first post, I just didn't forsee it pulling through, BUT the tall one that looked like it's head was chopped off is picture #4 in this post :)

Btw, pictures 1 & 3 in this post are the same, I was wondering if the crooked root would affect it at all.


Active Member
ph isn't a huge issue with seedlings that young but as the above poster said, you have to soak the rockwool or your ph will continually creep up on you. you have about a week to get that under control


Well-Known Member
I germinated them using paper towels and plates then put them in rockwool and into a humidity dome to help them sprout/root. I had to go out of town for 2 days at this time and when I came back they had sprouted but they had no light on them, so I immediately took them out of the dome and put them into my aeroflo20. 2 of them seem to be alright, but the other 2 I'm a bit worried about.
look ok to me, just some seed hulls stuck to the cotolyedons, should be ok.


Active Member
Mine got started in rockwool' i got the same rockwool and clay pebbs over and around the sides of the net pot' my ph stays at 5.8 and i only check my ph every two days
Gettin ready to go flush my reservoir out now. 3 of my 7 vanilla kush seeds popped up this morning, anxious to see them in a few days. Anyone think it would be alright to start giving them a bit of nutes in a few days even with the new sprouts in with the ones that are a week~ older?
Added 5 teaspoons of Nitrozime after my flush and it seems to be working VERY well. The new sprouts already have better roots than the ones that sprouted 5 or 6 days ago, on the downside my flood drains are already getting some algae build-up, ugh.