Would 27 hours of light screw up an Auto?


Active Member
So i have 4 photo-period seeds and 1 auto seed. I'd like to grow them all this year, but i don't know if i should just grow the auto indoors or put outside. The one issue i can think of with planting outdoors is i wanna start the plant inside (perhaps this weekend) so i can harvest it by the beginning August, my grow lights turn on at 6PM and turn off the next day at 12PM, even if i put the plant outside at 12PM it don't get dark till 9PM (in June) so that's 27 hours of light. Would this mess up an auto at around 2-3 weeks old? Also i would get around 15-16 hours of light outside that's kind of a messed up switch for a Auto ain't it? I just don't wanna hermie it.
Yes because if you read I say the grow light turns on at 6pm and shuts off at 12PM the NEXT DAY that's 18 hours then 9 more to get to 9PM when the sun sets that's a total of 27 hours.
Shoot i only do my autos on 24 per day, but if your days have 27 than by all means let them rip XD
Yes because if you read I say the grow light turns on at 6pm and shuts off at 12PM the NEXT DAY that's 18 hours then 9 more to get to 9PM when the sun sets that's a total of 27 hours.

There's still only 24 hours in a day even if you keep the plants under light for weeks straight.

They are getting 24 hours of light one day and 3 the next day for a total of 27 hours non-stop.
Yes because if you read I say the grow light turns on at 6pm and shuts off at 12PM the NEXT DAY that's 18 hours then 9 more to get to 9PM when the sun sets that's a total of 27 hours.
Calm you're jets. Autos can have and do thrive in 24 hours everyday if you so choose. Mephisto one of if bot the top dog in auto BREEDING seeds uses 24 hoirs of light themselves.
You all crack me up sometimes. I thought this was a joke thread at 1st. There's only 24 hours in a day. But by goodness I was ready to learn something new here lmao.