Would all this be as fun if it were legal?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if you all would think growing/ smoking pot would be as enjoyable if it were legal. I mean, booze is legal so I don't waste my time brewing my own, though that might be a fun hobby too. I'm just wondering if half of the thrill of growing and smoking comes from it's forbidden nature?


Well-Known Member
I think it would still be fun:) growing is more of an addiction to me than smoking but even if it were legal thats not going change how thc acts on the human body:) so i would still smoke if it were legal.:)Peace:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree with the smurf. I like growin' as much as, if not more, than smoking. Plus the fact that it's illegal give it a little edge, adds some danger to spice up the everyday norm.


Well-Known Member
well, you answered your own question by pointing out that alcohol is legal.

so, yes, I would do it and so would millions more.

some people just don't like breaking the law.

I've got a buddy of mine who has a real hesitancy about it. was afraid of it sooo much(only because of it being illegal. AND in spite of him drinking alcohol before he was 21) but hung around me and my smoker friends all the time. he finally tried it and loved it. he only smokes when we're around. it's good times.


Well-Known Member
ah thats pretty cool:) i have friends that don't smoke but they're cool cause they don't have a problem with me smoking it:)


Well-Known Member
i think it will become like cigs,ppl will still buy them,just like prohibiton,there were ppl still making alcohol and it became legal,they gave some of the illegal ppl who were brewing jobs,ppl will still use it and it will still be fun bc u can grow on mass scales and u can look at acres of land and just look at it like a sea of green,there will be waves of cash rolling in,it just gives me the shiveres to imagine the acres of money sitting there.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if you all would think growing/ smoking pot would be as enjoyable if it were legal. I mean, booze is legal so I don't waste my time brewing my own, though that might be a fun hobby too. I'm just wondering if half of the thrill of growing and smoking comes from it's forbidden nature?
Smoking will be just as fun. Growing is another story. If a company can market killer weed cigarettes for a reasonable price, why bother growing? I started growing only because it's illegal. Would I have started growing under legalization? Maybe, because I enjoy growing very much. But I smoked a long time before I seriously grew.


Well-Known Member
When I hit 21 drinking wasn't quite as fun. But, I've got a whiskey coke right next to me now. doesn't mean I quit.

I'm guessing that growing would be more like micro brewing beer (which I've done). Something real connoisseurs of weed would do to both save a couple bucks and have fun.

One thing most people would agree on... if it was legalized it would be way better. Even if it lost a bit of the "taboo" appeal.


Well-Known Member
I think it may turn off the younger generation from growing, which in a way is good, but it scares me. I would hate to see pot processed and treated as tobaco is, not to mentioned taxed :P
but for the people who grew before, I think theyll have even more fun!!!! it would be such a thrill to be able to come out and grow legaly, it would be hella funny too, people would probably have it in their front lawns, probably a few plants in front of police stations :P

25% of US states tax pot, and or all other illigal drugs, nobody pays it, but if it were legal you would have to, the tax for cocain in a state or two is $200 a gram!!!
I highly doubt pot or anything would be taxed so highly if it were legal... would it?


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't matter what rate cannabis were taxed. Once black market pressure is removed, pot's pretty worthless. The basic value of legal weed could be taxed enormously, like tobacco, and still be far cheaper than under prohibition. Alcohol dropped in price immediately upon repeal of prohibition.


Well-Known Member
repeal huh? sound reasoning.
where I live pot and cigeretes are about the same price :P, well regs is
I am not following your first statement.

Street weed and cigarettes are comparable in price, no question. But tobacco would be far more expensive if it were outlawed.


Well-Known Member
this is such a no brainer fuckin question it almost irritates me. If your asking yourself a question like this you shouldn't be smoking at all.

point is we should all be able to grow whatever the fuck we want as long as were not selling or harming anyone one else in the processe

some of us don't even have reliable dealers and go thru insane droughts. why should your only legal (available) options for stress pain reliefe be alcohole or tobacco.

I guess this question is the same as drinking underage cuz your parents and media tell you not to. If the only reason your smoking or drinking or taking whatever is to rebel, you need to stop and educate yourself, and learn some control / responsibility.


Well-Known Member
this is such a no brainer fuckin question it almost irritates me. If your asking yourself a question like this you shouldn't be smoking at all.

point is we should all be able to grow whatever the fuck we want as long as were not selling or harming anyone one else in the processe

some of us don't even have reliable dealers and go thru insane droughts. why should your only legal (available) options for stress pain reliefe be alcohole or tobacco.

I guess this question is the same as drinking underage cuz your parents and media tell you not to. If the only reason your smoking or drinking or taking whatever is to rebel, you need to stop and educate yourself, and learn some control / responsibility.

Of course I want weed legalized. Of course smoking would be as fun, but I was mainly talking about growing. I think I would keep growing, I would constantly try to develop better and better strains.


Well-Known Member
only reason I don't like booze is it poisons the body and makes you sick as fuck with too much. I like growing the plant, I think out of all the plants its the most pretty and useful.. being into more natural meds I'd have a field of the stuff if I could.