Would like to get some constructive input


Hey all,

These are two of my plants that are under 1k mh lamp right now. They are approximately 2.5 weeks old. They are Barneys Farm Phatt Fruity (not sure if that makes any difference though). Both of them are in coco and I began to give them their first nutes a few days ago. They both seem happy and healthy. The first one is all a dark green and very pretty. The second is the exact same size (height and width) but has a couple of burnt tips (nute burn?) But the interesting coloration is a kind of yellow strips in the new leaf growth. They have been on ph balanced water from the start and just began to get a VERY VERY light feed of coco a coco b and cal mag. They are fem seeds (again not sure if tha makes a difference). They are getting co2 3x day. They are under 18/6 light schedule. Temp has varied between 71 and 78. I am trying to think of any other info I can give to help the thought process along...hmmm...any thoughts? I appreciate your feedback.


Well-Known Member
Cut out the cal mag for now.

There is enough in your nutes until later when their demand is a little higher.

Are you testing your ppm/EC/TDS ?

If so what is your feeding strength?

PH of your nutes should be 5.8 for coco.



I have ordered a meter to check tds/ec etc...I have a digital ph meter and my feedings and waterings have been right at 5.8 to 5.9 the entire time. So I cant tell you exactly what the ppm is though. I used a feeding of .5 ml/l for a and b and the cal mag. Just thought it interesting these are the same strain through the same time and process and a foot away from each other and one is showing this yellowing...I will back off cal mag and see...I do appreciate your thoughts...


Well-Known Member
I use canna nutes and also have canna mono Ca and mono Mg. of these 2 during flowering I use 2ml each in 18litres of water. They don't need much Ca or Mg.

In coco IMO testing EC is crucial for me.
When you get your meter, test your strength going in vs your strength coming out to see how your feeding.

If your feed comes out lower than it went in then you can increase the strength a little. If it comes out reading higher than it went in then you can back off the strength a little.

IMO you could probably up your A and B a little more and lay off the Ca Mg as coco specific nutes contain a good amount of them already. But the Ca Mg will come in handy during flowering.



Well-Known Member
Also something you may want to know is that you can feed with coco straight away. I test in EC and my seedlings/clones get EC0.8.

At 2.5weeks under 1000w if you had fed them a little earlier they would have been double that size.

Don't worry though just up the A and B to 1ml per litre lay of the calmag and get testing when your meter arrives.



J, thank you for your feedback. I will begin to increase the feeding and lay off the C/M. I will start the testing as soon as it arrives and really like the idea of in/out testing. Either way I am enjoying the grow and it gives me something to focus on during these nasty treatments. I dont care what the medical community says about cannabis, I would have probably quit the treatments without it. So, lets turn the whole world green. Thanks again. Peace


Well-Known Member
No worries mate.

Here's something to keep you going.

My garden 4hours ago with 4 plants under 400w hps in coco just ending week3 of 12/12.



Well-Known Member
If your temps are that low I don't think I would even bother with co2 just yet. Don't water around the stem water around the edge. So the roots search for water. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
just began to get a VERY VERY light feed of coco a coco b and cal mag
You need to start feeding earlier in coco or other hydro mediums. Use full strength every watering at 5.8. The stripes on leaves are from under feeding.


You need to start feeding earlier in coco or other hydro mediums. Use full strength every watering at 5.8. The stripes on leaves are from under feeding.
Thank you. I am going to feed them today and up the feeding dosages. I appreciate your input.