Would this be better?


So I'm having a few small issues right now. Trying to figure out what would be better. I'd love to get some advice from y'all, I have some newly flowering plants in a small tent under a 600wHPS light, the tent is 4x4, I have some other plants flowering in a bigger tent that is 5x5 with a 1000wHPS.

The original plan was to move the plants from the 4x4 into the 5x5 once the 5x5 were finished flowering. But because we are noobs we started them all at the same time. The plants that were still vegging got too big and were going to outgrow the tent so we had to start flowering them under the 600w. In the 4x4 tent, we don't have an AC unit and it's a little warmer than we'd like, plus I don't have enough fans hooked up to the carbon filter to completely keep the smell down. So I thought, why not move the plants from the 4x4 into the 5x5 and just put the 600w light in there in addition to the 1000wHPS. So the tent would be pretty full, BUT, there is an ac unit in there keeping the room at a steady 75 degrees. Plus several fans hooked up the the carbon filter bringing fresh air in and taking it out of the tent.

Would the additional 600W light be better for the plants that are already in there budding now? They still have 2 1/2-3 weeks left I'm guessing. Or would the new plants put in the tent hog the 1000wHPS and be less beneficial for the plants that are almost done? Once the plants that are towards the end of flowering are finished, we would move the 600wHPS back to the smaller tent to start the new batch. Just leaving the 1000wHPS in the 5x5. It does seem right now in the 5x5 there is a lot of wasted light, as the plants in there now take up roughly half the space of the tent.

Look forward to hearing your guy's thoughts on this!

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Dr.Nick Riviera

Well-Known Member
I think you would be good with your idea, just try not to cram them in to tight,plants like lots of room and you don't want to effe them when you're almost done


Well-Known Member
Move as many into the 5x5 as possible. Spread out what's in the 4x4. Any way to connect the tent with ducting so the ac cools both?


Move as many into the 5x5 as possible. Spread out what's in the 4x4. Any way to connect the tent with ducting so the ac cools both?
Hubby was thinking about venting some of the ac into the smaller tent. I just figured it might be easier and more beneficial to all the plants to move all the plants into the big tent. Why do you suggest only moving some of the plants? I"m pretty sure they will all fit, I'll just have to do a bit of rearranging in my bigger tent. It would be a total of 11 plants in 5 gallon containers.

I'm pretty concerned with smell right now. I have carbon filters in both tents. I think the one in the big tent is working the best. Maybe because we have a 6" inline fan with another 6" booster fan. And in the other tent there is only a 6" inline fan. Would that really make that much of a difference though? I have a pretty big house (2500 sq ft) and when you walk through the front door downstairs, the smell is pretty Uhh...strong..LOL.


Well-Known Member
if you want the most out of your lights surround them with plants
if you want the most out of your plants surround them with lights


Well-Known Member
Hubby was thinking about venting some of the ac into the smaller tent. I just figured it might be easier and more beneficial to all the plants to move all the plants into the big tent. Why do you suggest only moving some of the plants? I"m pretty sure they will all fit, I'll just have to do a bit of rearranging in my bigger tent. It would be a total of 11 plants in 5 gallon containers.

I'm pretty concerned with smell right now. I have carbon filters in both tents. I think the one in the big tent is working the best. Maybe because we have a 6" inline fan with another 6" booster fan. And in the other tent there is only a 6" inline fan. Would that really make that much of a difference though? I have a pretty big house (2500 sq ft) and when you walk through the front door downstairs, the smell is pretty Uhh...strong..LOL.
I run 6-8 5 gals in a 4.5x4.5 tent and think its too crowded. I couldn't imagine 11 flowering plants. Moving just a few plants will help with airflow and cooling in the smaller tent, which if you could get ac to it, would help your temp issues.

Negative tent pressure and taping duct work is all I can offer for smell. I vent 2, 4.5x4.5 tents with a single 6" inline and larger carbon filter, lasts over a year. My lights are cooled separately with another 6" inline. I want to say it works well, but I smoke like a train and it always smells around here.:bigjoint:


I run 6-8 5 gals in a 4.5x4.5 tent and think its too crowded. I couldn't imagine 11 flowering plants. Moving just a few plants will help with airflow and cooling in the smaller tent, which if you could get ac to it, would help your temp issues.

Negative tent pressure and taping duct work is all I can offer for smell. I vent 2, 4.5x4.5 tents with a single 6" inline and larger carbon filter, lasts over a year. My lights are cooled separately with another 6" inline. I want to say it works well, but I smoke like a train and it always smells around here.:bigjoint:
Hahaha! Your post cracked me up! We don't smoke in the house so it's all plant. We did just put the carbon filter in the smaller tent a few days ago. I"m hoping maybe it'll just take a few days for the smell to dissipate..*fingers crossed* LOL