Would this setup be an efficient use of space?


I was wondering if my 12ft x 12ft room divided into two 12ft x 6ft rooms (because I am planning to use a flip relay) would be most efficient if I used 6 x 400w hps hanging above 6 x 600w HPS. I have a few extra HPS lights if anyone has any other suggestions as to how I can use them, if the current set-up is ok I will stick them in the grow room as side lighting. PS, I have a separate vegging room which is already up and running so no need to worry about that. Thanks in advance.

Grow room.jpg


Well-Known Member
sorry i have to edit this.. i misread something

i guess you have just 2x flowering rooms here.
if possible try and seperate them for accessibility
for instance build it so you can go from either side of the 12ft x 6ft box, on the 12ft side, and roll up doors so you can get into the workspace easier. also incorporating a runoff tray is good to do!

the order i would do it for lights is

formed as triangles and staggered all at the same height