Well-Known Member
I'm a pretty open minded person. But I just don't think this guy is the number one draft choice for teaching 5 year olds in their first exposure to public schools.
I want them to learn how to spell c-a-t and d-o-g. Not scream like they're in a horror movie.
He sure doesn't remind me of Mrs. Logero who I had a thing for at age 5.
If someone would have a 'thing' for this dude, how would they turn out at age 18 or 21?
Am I just too up tight?

I just don't know about this one.
I want them to learn how to spell c-a-t and d-o-g. Not scream like they're in a horror movie.
He sure doesn't remind me of Mrs. Logero who I had a thing for at age 5.
If someone would have a 'thing' for this dude, how would they turn out at age 18 or 21?
Am I just too up tight?

A man covered his face with tattoos and turned his eyes black. He says it cost him his kindergarten teaching job | CNN
A schoolteacher whose body, face and tongue are covered in tattoos and who has had the whites of his eyes surgically turned black said he was prevented from teaching at a French kindergarten after a parent complained he scared their child.

I just don't know about this one.