wow sure like that green dragon

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
Made me a tincture and got blasted HALF AN HOUR after drinking it! Didn't last as long as edibles usually do, but man did it hit fast!
there's about half a gram in a tablespoon and I got a pint of it! yay! fun porting about success instead of failure!
Haven't smoked anything in weeks and my breathing and phlegm is a lot easier.
I can get an ounce on "Medical Monday" for $80 ($100 for recreational patients) and that will last me more than a month, maybe even stretch to 3! I normally take this on a fasted stomach-- would it come on slower and last longer if I ate first?
In any case, I came a long way and I don't have to spend hundreds on weed and cough all the times!
Big thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions when I was "failing" at this (actually just had a very high tolerance without knowing it!)